"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 28 - Melome" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)

rapture. A feast for the eye and ear and mind and one not to be
missed. The circus of Chen Wei. And, if you should be in a mind
for dalliance—" Her face became lewd with unspoken promise.
"My name is Helga. Ask for Helga."

A smile and she was gone leaving nothing but the scent of
perfume and the fading tinkle of bells. Things which belonged on
Baatz, and Dumarest took a deep breath as he looked at the sky,
the hills, the boulevard on which he stood. It ran arrow-straight
from the landing field to the market, the surface tessellated in
abstract designs, curlicues, broken rainbows. Triple-tiered
buildings edged the wide road, dwellings, shops, businesses, the
verandas gaudy with bright hangings, the roofs with bloated
lanterns. On the flanking hills the mansions of the rich and
influential rested like a scatter of gems.

A good world, one of balm, of warmth and gentle breezes, of
golden sunlight and rounded hills. A place of tranquility; the
exudations of massed vegetation filling the air with subtle vapors
which took the edge off violence and aggression and induced a
tolerant lethargy.

A danger he recognized but could do nothing about and it was
good to relax, to enjoy the sun, to become one with the crowd. To
feel wide expanses around him instead of the cramping confines
of a hull. And Baatz, with its transient population, was as good a
place as any for him to be.

But caution remained and before he moved on, Dumarest
made sure that none had lingered for no apparent reason, that
he wasn't the object of covert interest. All seemed innocuous,
most had followed the spectacle advertising the circus, others
were intent on their own affairs, the rest headed toward the
market, the sights, sounds and smells it contained.

"My lord!" A woman dressed in the barbaric apparel of a
warrior-amazon gestured with an imperious arm. "Fine weaves
from Kirek, strands as tough as steel and as soft as silk—nothing
can beat spider-webs for utility. I have fifteen bales of it—you

A scowl marred the mannish face as Dumarest moved on, the
voice yielding to another.

"High quality grain proof against bacterial molds and virus
infestation. Strains from the biolabs of Lengue and Femarre.
Fifteen kobolds a measure. Buy! Buy! Buy!"

A man stepped forward, another catching at his arm.