"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 20 - Web of Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)

perhaps, not too far if a high profit is to be made. Your home

"No." Gently she restored the jewel to its box. "I was bora on
Lurus. My people owned a farm but the climate changed and
what was once fertile ground turned into desert. A solar
imbalance—" She shrugged. "The details are of no importance. I
was young and decided to help as best I could. I traveled—it's an
old story."

And one printed on her face. The mercenary said, "Did you
ever return?"
"Does anyone?" The lid snapped shut on the box. "Did you?"


"Nor I," said Kemmer. "How about you, Earl?" He smiled as
Dumarest shook his head. "Once we leave the nest it quickly loses
its attraction. Sometimes we choose to dream of a childhood
more pleasant than it really was and of a life garnished with false
tinsel, but when it comes to it who would go back home if given
the chance?" He shrugged, not waiting for an answer. "Well, how
now to pass the time? Some cards?"

The Urusha was a small vessel, a free-trader plying on the
edge of the Rift, and the passengers were left to entertain
themselves. No real hardship with planets close and quick-time
turning weeks into days, the drug slowing the metabolism and
relieving the tedium of the journey. But even so boredom was an
enemy and one to be combatted. Grish Mettalus had found his
own method, making it plain he regarded Chai Teoh as his
personal property and she, for reasons of her own, had not

Marta grunted as they left the salon. "The girl's a fool. She is
selling herself too cheaply."

"How can you know that?" Kemmer dealt cards and turned
one over. "A jester. Match, beat or defer?" He watched as they
made their bets, small amounts as to whether their own cards
could show a value equal, higher or lower than the one exposed.
A variant of High, Low, Man-In-Between. "You win, Carl. Well?"
He looked at the woman. "How do you know?"

"I've ears. He paid her passage and has promised her an
apartment on Fendris. Promises!" She echoed her contempt.

"So they come to nothing," said the trader. "But she has still
earned passage."