"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 20 - Web of Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)trader's expression. "You must have done the same thing
yourself." "At an auction, maybe. A ring—" Kemmer scowled. "There's a difference." "No difference. Cheating is normal when a man needs to survive." "There are ethics," protested Kemmer. "A trader can't afford to cheat if he hopes to stay in business. He may shade the truth a little but that's expected. It's up to the buyer to—" He broke off, blanching. "What the hell's that?" A scream burst from a point at the end of the arena and brought a sudden stillness. It rose, echoing from the roof, a shriek of pure agony, torn, Dumarest guessed, from a dying throat. For a moment the stillness held; then, with a babbling susuration, the crowd resumed its business, only a handful running toward the source of the scream. "The pits." A man gasped the information as Dumarest caught his arm and snapped a question. "Someone was unlucky." now lying like a limp rag doll in a pool of her own blood. She was naked aside from a twist of fabric around breasts and loins, her legs scarred with bites, more on her stomach, back and arms. Old wounds blended with some healing, others freshly made. Other bodies, smaller, toothed and furred lay scattered around her in the pit. Dumarest stood on the edge looking down. The place was circular, eight feet deep, the walls smooth, stained and flecked with ugly smears. From the edge the floor sloped sharply upward so as to allow the ring of those watching a clear view. A low parapet provided a measure of safety. A pit—on other worlds they held bears, bulls, dogs, all baited by other creatures smaller but more plentiful. On Harge they baited women. A man stood in the pit with the body. He looked up, scowling, snapping orders as a pair of assistants made an appearance. "Hurry, damn you! Time's money. Get this mess cleared up. Never mind washing down the walls; that can wait. Get some fresh sand for the floor." As they jumped to obey he sprang, caught the edge of the pit and hauled himself upright. To Dumarest he said, "Did you see it?" |