"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 20 - Web of Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)juxtapositions, hesitated at certain points. "A traveler," she
murmured. "One who has seen many worlds. One too who has had many loves. One who has known much danger. A fighter trained in the use of a blade. A gambler. A searcher after truth who—" She broke off, inhaling sharply. "Red," she whispered. "Scarlet—beware the color of blood!" Dumarest watched, restraining his impatience. His clothing alone would have told her he was a traveler; garb designed for wear and protection. The knife in his boot coupled with the callouses on his palm would have told he used a blade and all men who fought were, in essence, gamblers. "Scarlet," she said again. "It is behind you, around you, all is scarlet." Another guess? Dumarest said, "Are there any here who wear scarlet robes?" The shake of her head meant little; cybers could reside in the upper levels and she need never know it. "Has anyone asked after me? By description, naturally." "No." "Would you know?" things." Again she studied his palm. "There's something odd here. A danger but more than that. You've killed," she accused. "There are men who have cause to hate you. Vengeful men." "So?" "They will give you no rest And they are close, close. I see—no, some things are best not told." "We had a deal," said Dumarest, flatly. "If that's the best you can do then I'm going to feel cheated. You wouldn't want me to feel that, would you? No, I thought not. Now why not just answer a few questions?" The others joined him as he left the booth. Kemmer made no secret of hiding his irritation at what he considered rank stupidity; Santis was more sympathetic. "Sometimes it helps, Earl, I know that. Once on Pico I visited a palmist. We were set to attack at dawn and I was troubled. Something sent me to her and her warnings caused me to change the plans. I attacked from a different direction three hours early and found they were set and ready for me. If I'd followed the original plan we'd have been blasted to atoms. As it |