"Charles Stross - Love me" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stross Charles)

Diagnostics indicate that a terminal Dreamtime fault
occured four days ago. No other gatecoders on line. All
uploads queued pending fault resolution. Total two thousand
three hundred and nineteen uploads in progress. Loading

Oshi's eyes widened. "You're holding more than two thousand uploads! What happened
on Pascal?"

The literal-minded comm supervisor paused for a moment before answering. Query in
progress. Please wait. Please wait. Please wait --
confirmed. At T minus three hundred and sixty thousand
seconds Pascal monitors registered unacceptable distributed
degradation on all networked processes. Radiation induced
damage exceeded local emergency resources' ability to
offload processing at T minus three hundred and fifty-seven
thousand seconds. At T minus three hundred and fifty-six
thousand seconds approximately, Pascal Dreamtime entered a
distributed panic status and lost real-time synch. At T
minus infinity, Pascal Dreamtime went NP-incomplete.

The Dreamtime is down. Do you want to restart?

It took a moment to hit her. But when she understood, Oshi began to giggle
uncontrollably. She curled in on herself and floated into the maze of light and shadow and
drifting components, sailing on a stately waltz with the mummified corpse of the dead
engineer: and she laughed hysterically, sobbing when the breath came hard to her burning
ribs, then sobbing more slowly and rhythmically when she understood the magnitude of
what had happened.

Something bumped into her. She came to rest in mid-air, face to face with the wizened,

file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Stross,%20Charles%20-%20loveme%20(ss).html (5 of 41)4-7-2007 2:25:53
4: Will you still love me ...

tortured expression of the corpse. "It's all right," she explained patiently. "There's nothing
to worry about: I'm not mad, not mad at all. It's just that we're all going to survive!" The
corpse ducked and bobbed before her.

She reached out and patted the corpse on one bony shoulder. It drifted away, spinning. "I'll
tell you about it when you're alive again!" she shouted after it. Then she turned and
reached for the nearest support stanchion. " Axis control: get me a climb spider," she said.
"I'm going down into the colony." She swallowed, twitched her wisdom link to a different
channel. " Comm centre."


" You will commence Dreamtime restart at my command, parameters to follow. Do a total
memory wipe and shut down the NP-static world line. Initiate hardware self-test