"Neal Stephenson & Frederick George - Interface" - читать интересную книгу автора (Sterling Bruce)

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To Wilbur

The State of the Union

WILLIAM ANTHONY COZZANO'S OFFICE WAS A SCANDAL. So IT WAS whispered in the high councils of the
Illinois Historical Society. For over a century, under dozens of governors, it had looked the same. Then
Cozzano had come along and moved all the antique furniture into storage (Abraham Lincoln was the greatest
man in history, Cozzano said, but his desk was a piece of junk, and Stephen Douglas's side chair was no
prize either). Cozzano had dared to move electronics into the frescoed vault of the governor's office - a thirty-
six-inch Trinitron with picture-in-picture so that he could watch C-SPAN and football at the same time! And
his chair was no antique, but a high-tech thing with as many adjustable features as the human body had
bones. He had suffered enough abuse, he claimed, in Vietnam and on the frozen turf of Soldier Field and