"Allen Steele - Agape Among The Robots" - читать интересную книгу автора (Steele Allen) hostility (hence the nickname). A pair of über-geeks who couldn’t have agreed on the proper
pronunciation of banana if someone threatened to take away their Usenet accounts. Nonetheless, Lang was delighted that they already had a head-start, and asked them to show him their work. However, Kathy was a little more reluctant than Phil to comply; in fact, rumor had it that Jim had to memo Darth three times before she finally coughed up her notes and blueprints, while Phil delivered his material almost immediately. The rest of us chalked up her reticence to peer rivalry, never realizing that there was something else going on just under the surface. file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Al...teele%20-%20Agape%20Among%20The%20Robots.htm (5 of 20) [10/31/2004 11:06:42 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Allen%20Steele%20-%20Agape%20Among%20The%20Robots.htm Lang carefully studied their plans, talked to some of his other geeks–myself included–and eventually reached the conclusion that, although each robot was designed differently, they were so fundamentally similar that either could serve as LEC’s entry in the R3G race. However, since the company didn’t have the time, money or resources to manufacture two third-generation ’bots, it was one or the other. To make matters worse, there was no accord among the brain trust upon which robot should be chosen; Kathy’s people were solidly behind her Guardian IV design, while Phil’s group was equally convinced that Companion II was the superior system. Jim Lang loved strategy games. He collected antique chess sets and backgammon boards, and was renowned among Go enthusiasts as something of a master. Indeed, when LEC was a small system, the now-forgotten Lang Buddy. So it came as no great surprise that his solution took the form of a competition. Dr. Burton’s group and Dr. Veder’s group were divided into two teams, respectively code-named Samson and Delilah, with Dr. Burton and Dr. Veder as their leaders. Each team was given a substantial R&D budget and access to the same material resources, not the least of which were copies of the Oz 3Meg chips. However, the members of each team would not be allowed to talk to one another or share notes; only the team leaders were given that privilege, if they saw fit to do so. The objective of Slim Jim’s game was the fast-track development of a fully-operational, self- learning universal robot within six months. At the end of this period, each team would let their robots be tested–first by themselves, then interacting with each other–in a series of environments approximating real-world conditions. The team which produced the best robot would not only see their system enter mass-production, but they would also be awarded large bonuses, along with royalties from the sale of each unit. Indeed, the members of the winning team could very well walk away with several hundred grand in their pockets. It was a hell of an approach, to be sure, and over the course of the next six months I didn’t get much sleep, let alone very many free weekends or holidays. Yet Samson itself was built within only three months, and we began installing and testing its conditioning modules shortly thereafter. Although we knew that, on the other side of the quad, behind a pair of keycard- access doors, Delilah Team spending an equal amount of effort on their own ’bot, we had little doubt who would come out ahead. In fact, I was beginning to price Porsches. |