"Allen Steele - Agape Among The Robots" - читать интересную книгу автора (Steele Allen)

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Al...teele%20-%20Agape%20Among%20The%20Robots.htm (1 of 20) [10/31/2004 11:06:42 PM]

did–he chose to ignore it. He turned to Bob, the kid operating the remote camcorders. "You got
everything, didn’t you?"

"What . . . oh, yeah, yeah, it’s all here." Bob was wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. "Do
you want a copy, Dr. Burton?"

"No, I want you to delete the whole thing." Bob stared at him in surprise, and for a moment his
hands moved to the editing board. "Goddammit, of course I want a copy!" Phil snapped. "Run it
off now! Move!" He returned his attention to me. "C’mon, Jerry, gimme everything you got . . ."

"Coming right now." I had already loaded a fresh 100 MB disk. A few deft commands on the
keypad above my lap, and a bar-graph appeared on my screen, indicating that the data Phil
wanted was being copied. I looked again at Keith; behind Phil’s back, he had his right hand
raised, and he was counting off the seconds with each finger he folded into his palm. Five . . .
four . . . three . . . two . . . one . . .

"Delilah Team just called in." Once again, Donna had clasped her hand over the wand of her
headset. "Dr. Veder wants to meet with you in the test area . . . umm, right now, Phil."

The color vanished from Phil’s face. "Uhh . . . t-t-tell her I’ll b-b-b-be there as . . . as . . ."

My terminal chirped. I popped out the disk, shoved it into Phil’s hand, then snapped my fingers
at Bob. He ejected the DVD from the camcorder, slapped it into a jewelbox, then passed it to
Keith, who tapped it against Phil’s shoulder. That seemed to wake him up; he blinked a few
times, then turned to snatch the DVD from Keith’s hand.

"He’s coming now," Donna said quietly into her headset. "Sorry for the problem. We had a
problem here, but . . ."

"Stick to the rules. No contact except between team leaders." Phil took another deep breath,
then clapped the two disks together as he turned sideways to squeeze past her and me as he
headed for the control van’s door. "Wish me luck."

"May the Force be with you," Keith said, and I shot a look which told him that I’d like to stick a
light-saber where a Jedi couldn’t find it. "Good luck," he added, albeit reluctantly.

"Thanks." Phil grabbed a roll of paper towels from the shelf near the door. Then, almost as an
afterthought, he looked back at Keith. "Wipe the memory buffer, will you? I don’t want this to
affect the next test." Then he stepped out of the van, slamming the door shut behind him.

For a moment no one said anything, then everyone collapsed in their seats. "Man, oh man,"
Keith muttered, covering his face with his hands. "I thought he was going to have a stroke . . ."

"Thought he was going to have a stroke?" Donna shook her head. "You should have heard what
was going on in D-team’s trailer. Kathy sounded like she was ready to . . ."