"Springer, Nancy - Book Of The Isle 05 - Golden Swan v1 0.rtf" - читать интересную книгу автора (Springer Nancy)"But where is Shamarra?" Frain cried out. There was no answer, and he turned away from the tree that stood unseen somewhere in the night, his one good hand clenched into a fist, trying to contain his fury.
"The one question I have come all this way to ask her," he panted, and then his anger choked him and he could not go on. "From what the goddess said, you would do well to stay far from Shamarra," Trevyn remarked. "I will not believe she is my enemy," said Frain. "Can not, will not." Anger had left his tone to be replaced by a dead and settled desperation that I for one found far more fearsome. What ailed him, that he would not heed the word of the goddess? Trevyn put an arm around him, as if to warm the cold enchantment that was on him. "You will not be able to sleep until you have vented your rage," he said. "Shout, weep, pound on me, something." "I am seldom able to sleep in any event." Frain shrugged off the embrace, gently but sulkily. "Can we be gone from here?" he asked. "In the pitch dark? Well, why not?" Trevyn liked challenges. "Dair, what is needed to roam the night?" A good nose. "You lead, then." We blundered off with the horses trailing after us. But I could not find the way. It was Trevyn's grove, and I was not he. Also, my mind was in an uproar. Maeve and I were to help Frain, Alys had said, Maeve my mother who lived across the sea. Frain and I would voyage on that sea, just as Trevyn had said— will go with him, I said aloud, and I banged right into a massive tree. "What is it?" Frain called sharply, startled. He had heard only a thump and a growl in the night. But Trevyn had heard me well enough, "Let us stop here," he said in a tight voice. "All right." Frain sounded his gentle self again, and sheepish. "It is no use running away like a whipped child. My lord Trevyn, I am truly grateful to you for all you have done for me." "Others have helped me when I needed it." Trevyn sat on the ground, and we did the same. "Well, Frain, I will have a ship prepared for you." "What is the use?" Frain lay back on the soft loam. "I still don't know where I am going." "East. To Tokar. To see Maeve. And may you fare better in that country than I did." "Who is Maeve?" My mother, I said. She whom I remembered only as milk and warm fur— "Dair's mother. A sorceress. Could you sleep now? You should be quite exhausted." I believe Trevyn must have put some small spell on him, for as if he needed only the suggestion Frain rolled to one side and fell into the slumberer's rhythm of gentle breathing. Trevyn put a cloak over him and turned to me. "So," he whispered, "the pattern is plain to you." knew—I felt the bond. Even before the goddess spoke my name with his. "I know, I know it well enough. I had ordered myself not to interfere, but I can't help telling you, Dair—I will miss you." I found my way to him in the dark and touched his shoulder. It was hard, as if he held himself clenched against pain. He turned to me at the touch and embraced me fiercely. I lay down and pretended to .sleep to please him. He sat with his head against a tall kerm-oak tree, drawing on the strength of the god, the grove. After a while he lay down as well, but I do not think he slept any more than I did. In the morning he silently found us our horses and led us back to the others, and then out of the Wyrdwood. Chapter Five Once we were back in Nemeton, Trevyn set about finding a ship for the crossing to Tokar. Frain was startled by the news that I was coming with him. "To see his mother?" he demanded. "I think there is more to it than that," Trevyn told him. His honesty would not let him graciously accept me as his traveling companion, but there was no way he could graciously refuse, either—not when he was sailing on Trevyn's ship and I was Trevyn's son. I went to see him the next day, to try to come to an understanding with him. He was in his chamber, putting in order the piles of gifts and clothing people had given him. He was the castle favorite—he had such a gentle, honest way about him, he was the sort of youth that maidens smiled on without a second thought, that mothers trusted with their virgin daughters. He had a knack for making friends with everyone except me, it seemed. I knocked on his open door and he turned to see me standing there. "Dair!" he exclaimed. "Come—in…" He sounded none too sure of the welcome. I came in anyway, went to him and knelt, placing my clasped hands in his in the ritual gesture of fealty. It was the only way I could think of to show him that I had given my loyalty to him. His face went white, and he trembled. "Dair," he said between clenched teeth, "I am—I thank you, but—I am terrified of you." I rose, stepped back and cupped my hands, a sign of peace. Why? I asked him. It was only an inquiring whine, but for once he understood me. "I wish I knew. I never thought I was such a coward. Dair, I know you mean me all good and no harm, and yet I shake at the sight of you, and I hate myself for it." Would it help if I wore clothes? I asked, but it was only a senseless muttering to him. "I swear, I am going as mad as Tirell," he said wildly to the air and the walls. "He was afraid of the beast and the brown man, but he found courage to embrace them— and I have none." He edged away from me as if he were going to bolt, but then Trevyn happened in. Frain strode to his side in three steps, and Trevyn looked at him in mild surprise. "You don't need my protection," he said. "I know! It is ridiculous. What am I going to do with this fear?" Frain appealed to him. "See it through.". "It looks as if I am going to have to." Frain stood still, trying to calm himself. Trevyn sat heavily on the bed. "I have your ship manned and provisioned. You can go with the tide." Frain stared at him, sensing pain in the calm words. "Lord," he said, "I have no desire to take him from you, believe me." "I believe it," said Trevyn wryly. He turned to me. "Dair, you had better get some clothes on. Salt spray is hard on the skin." "I need no companion," Frain protested. "For seven years I have walked alone—" "You need him worse than you know," Trevyn said. I went out, and what they said after that I do not know. Trevyn walked us down to the harbor when the tide came in. He gave Frain good wishes and the handclasp of an equal. Then he gathered me into a long embrace. Both our faces were wet. Frain stood by, looking abashed. "I wish you were coming with us," he said at last to Trevyn. "So do I. But I am a king now, wed, with a child, and as soon as you are gone I will be on my way back to Laueroc. My voyaging days are over." He stood back as we boarded ship. "Farewell, you two!" Laifrita thae, Dounamir, I called to him. Sweet peace to thee, my father. The elfin greeting served for parting as well. I had never spoken to him so formally, but I knew I would not be coming back. |