"Springer, Nancy - Book Of The Isle 05 - Golden Swan v1 0.rtf" - читать интересную книгу автора (Springer Nancy)"This brother of yours—you say he is a True King, and yet he ravished your beloved, crippled you—"
"He was not himself," Frain said hotly. "If you knew what he had gone through—" He would have sprung to sword for Tirell's sake, I felt sure of it. How odd! He who had been ready to kill him a few hours before— "The suffering comes before the kingship," Trevyn remarked. "Yes," Frain gave Trevyn a wondering glance, all his heat cooled. "Yes, my lord, you know, you understand. I—remember how he wept after he had wounded me. Then I fainted, and by the time I awoke he had come back from madness, he was better, truly better, warm and whole as I had not known him to be since—since it had started. He was the brother I had always loved. He took my hand and met my eyes with love and sorrow, and the land itself hailed him, and all the people were rejoicing because the blessing of the goddess was on him—" "So how could you be so petty as to sulk about a little thing like an arm?" Trevyn put in dryly. "An arm and a true love." Frain tried to match Trevyn's tone and his smile, but could not. "I went away," he added. "To find Ogygia and lay your case before the goddess." "No, that came later. First I went to the lake to find Shamarra. But everything had changed. The swan had gone black and was as crippled as I, and the water itself was fearsome. When I looked in I saw—never mind." His eyes shifted and he hastened on. "There was a woman there, a sort of queenly goddess, and she told me that the wrath of Adalis was on Shamaira because of her overweening. She had been transformed into a night bird and sent to wander the wind." Trevyn looked both startled and intense. "What did you say is the name of your goddess?" "There are many names. Every woman's name is a name of the goddess. There is Eala the swan and the white horse Epona, and Morrghu the raven of war, and Vieyra the hell hag, and Suevi, Rae, Mela—dozens of others. But the mother of Vale is Adalis." "I thought you said that. I heard, but I could not believe my ears." Trevyn put a palm to his hurt brow with a sigh. "Frain, if you can say that most holy name so offhandedly without the castle stones flying from their places and raining destruction on your head, truly you must be of immortal kind." "Really?" Frain said that softly, but his excitement grew as he talked, he leaned forward and his voice rose. "You mean you call her by that same name, and she is here, she can respond to you? Do you really mean that?" "She is here as much as anywhere," Trevyn said with some small wonder, for the goddess makes every land her own. "Why, then," Frain breathed, "this must be Ogygia after all." "Perhaps. If you say so. I am surprised that it has taken you so long to find it." "Have you ever tried to find a legendary land?" Frain asked, a hint of vexation in his steady voice. "I never knew there were so many lands that lay beyond Vale. I trudged across them, places and places of them, and no one had ever heard of Ogygia, all they could do was point me toward this one and that one who might know, and I asked them all to no avail. Follow the setting sun, they said, and find the ocean. And when I found it at last, I walked the length of that vast shoreline looking for Ogygia or news of Ogygia. And I had never seen an immensity like that of the sea." Frain's voice was tinged with awe and terror. "I knew when I saw it that it was as the woman by the lake had said, that I could no sooner reach Ogygia than the crippled swan. But I had to try." Trevyn sighed in vexation of his own. He had indeed been to legendary lands, and he badly wanted to explain to Frain the ways of the All-Mother. But he knew that Frain had to find her on his own. "There is an island far, far west of here," he said finally, "where the elves have made their home, the ancient folk. There I spoke with the goddess once on her mountain of the moon. The name of that island is Elwestrand. Wild swans fly there. But you cannot go there unless she sends one of her swimming ships for you." Frain's face sagged. "Why, it sounds as if I must go there nevertheless," he whispered. "I think not. But we will speak to her soon and see what she has to say to you." "Where? How?" Frain rose to his feet in his excitement, and Trevyn could not help smiling. "As soon as the weather has broken and you are strong. In a suitable place. Patience!" r Chapter Four The thaw came, and then the early spring sun. Catkins sprouted on the twigs. Frain felt ready to travel, so on -a bright morning we made our way out of Nemeton. Trevyn and Frain rode in cavalcade and I walked by Trevyn's side. Once out of town, on the wealds, they put their horses to the trot, and I ran. I had learned to run again, on two legs now, and it felt glorious to be out in the air again, reveling in the tangle of lusty springtime smells and the feel of strong limbs—but my speed was pitiful compared to what it once had been. I can barely keep up, I complained to Trevyn, and he slowed the pace. Having only two legs is a bother, I mourned. "Well, then, ride, as I do. You will have four again." I faced the prospect doubtfully. Even my own human height was still sometimes dizzying to me, and the horse was higher yet. Still, I knew they could not always be waiting for me. "Or share a mount with me," Trevyn added. I felt Frain's chilly glance on me. At once pride took over, and I got on a horse of my own. I learned to ride within a few minutes. It was not hard. I had only to keep my balance and try to come to agreement with the steed. I spoke to the horse as I would to any fellow creature, and I never learned a man's way of dominating it. No matter. We rode pleasantly. By midmorning we crested the uplands and paused to look back on Nemeton. We could see for miles the course of the deep river that flowed down from the Great Eastern Forest, and just beyond the city we could see anchorage and the masts of ships and the gray glint of the sea. But we turned our backs on the sea for the time, riding toward the north and west. We were going to a place just at the southern skirts of the Forest, a place where the river forked and formed a sort of island, where there was a sacred grove. The Wyrdwood, it was called. If the goddess had to be summoned she was more likely to come amiably there than anywhere else in Isle. I grew to enjoy riding over the next few days. It was indeed rather like having four legs again. I think Frain liked riding too. He needed only one hand to hold the reins, and he could do it as well as anyone. In fact, he rode as well as Trevyn. It was not hard to tell that he had been a prince, that he had been born to ride. But he would not wear a sword. Trevyn had brought him one with a cloak when we were making ready, and he had refused it. "The shield arm won't work for me anymore. I have no defense," he said, shrugging. "I do better to stay out of trouble." Trevyn had raised his brows at this talk of defenseless-ness, but of course he could not tell Frain he knew better. "It is only for show in Isle anyway," he had said. "Wear it. You are of rank." "I gave up both rank and swordsmanship some years ago," Frain had said. So he rode swordless. What an oddling he was. I did not care, I liked him. There was the bond on us, but I liked him for himself as well. Alas, he felt no such liking for me. He stiffened with discomfort when I rode beside him. "Nille tha riste, Dair," Trevyn told me privately. "Do not despair." We came to the holy grove on the third day. Trevyn led us in, and the trees loomed above us, hushed and mighty. That place was full of magic, anyone could feel it. All the magic in Isle centered there. Frain rode steadily, and I knew once again that he was brave, for more than one man of the company went pale with fear. The retainers were afraid to look behind them, knowing that they would see no way out, that the grove we had just entered would seem to go on pathless and forever. Trevyn saw their terror and had them stop. "Wait here," he told them. "We three will go on to the center alone." So Frain and Trevyn and I rode down the spiraling spaces between the giant boles. Trevyn knew the way quite surely. He, sensed the center. It drew him, it was in him. He had been born here, in a way. The center was only a circle of green meadow around a young and growing tree. A unicorn grazed there. It moved off when it saw us, its solitude disturbed. White flowers that looked like lacework grew there. The tree was in new leaf, and the leaves were jade green and amethyst, sapphire, ruby red and tourmaline red and topaz. They glowed in the sunlight, and they sent flakes of it skimming across the grass at every stir of the breeze. "This is her tree," Trevyn said. We got down and let the horses graze. "Alys!" Trevyn called, not loudly. "Mother of us all, come to us, if you please." "What was that you called her?" Frain whispered. "Her sooth-name." Trevyn barely glanced at him, for he was listening, alert. "Not so very different from your name for her." "You think it is the same goddess?" "How can it be otherwise? There is only one goddess, despite the many names. And she is only one aspect of the One who has no name," he added. "Alys!" he called again, and then we sat on die grass. We sat until nightfall and on into the forest night which is all shadow and no light. From time to time through the long wait Frain glanced doubtfully at Trevyn. He sat undisturbed, and Frain sat as well. With night came the goddess. She was only a rustle of breeze at first. Then a cool voice spoke from the neighborhood of the sacred tree. "Alberic," she asked, for that was Trevyn's true-name, "what do you want?" "A favor for a friend, Lady," said Trevyn to the voice. It was no use flattering the goddess or being less than forthright with her. |