"Springer, Nancy - Book Of The Isle 05 - Golden Swan v1 0.rtf" - читать интересную книгу автора (Springer Nancy)Chapter Seven
All his strength of body had left him. He could scarcely stand or walk. Nevertheless, with my help, he crawled to the wood I had gathered for him and made himself a fire, and he managed in a crude fashion to boil meat for broth. He lapsed into a sitting stupor while it was cooking, but as soon as it was ready I roused him, and after it had cooled he drank it down. He nibbled at shreds of the meat, and then he slept, quite soundly. For several days thereafter he ate as often as he was able, a little at a time. I brought him every sort of food that I could forage. As I saw that he would be well, and as my fear for him lessened somewhat, I became moody and fearful on my own account, though I felt I should be glad. Sense of failure was strong in me—I had been so long a wolf, I wondered if I would ever again make a human companion for him. If only we had reached my mother's abode, perhaps she would have been able to help me…• . I became impatient with the slowness of Frain's healing. My muddle of feeling came to a head one evening as I studied the flames of the campfire, restless and ashamed by turns, and fervently eager to have the journey over with—Maeve's home lay only a few days' travel away. I wished we had a horse for Frain to ride. I wished that I could carry him myself. He was so helpless still— I pictured him lying hacked by robbers. Unease and the image moved me to a woeful howl. Frain was startled. "Dair, whatever is the matter?" he asked. Then he walked over to me unsteadily and caressed me, patting my head and the thick fur of my neck. "Everything will be all right," he assured me. Feeling foolish and abashed, I skulked off to hunt myself some supper. Later, when I came back to camp, he was asleep. I lay beside him and dozed, and in my doze I dreamed of the horse. It was strong and slate gray, and in the dream I wanted to be that horse, to carry Frain swiftly to Maeve and safety. I would never have thought of it in daylight,, I had never considered that I could be anything except a wolf and a man. But the dream bore me up… My paws were hooves, my body a massive thing on absurdly thin legs, my neck lithe and long. I snorted and awoke myself to discover that I had strayed some distance from Frain. I was the gray horse, and I was eating twigs. The green taste of them shocked me more than anything else about the change. I had never been fond of greens. Well, I told myself, it is only for a few days. I hoped that was so. When Frain awoke in the morning, his eyes lit on me with a look of startled joy and he came gently over and caught me by the forelock. "Good horse," he whispered. "I am glad you are amenable.". Then he called, "Dair!" and looked all around him eagerly. This was a problem—he did not recognize me. I nudged him in the ribs with my sizable nose. "Oof!" he protested. "Dair! Come see this!" he called more loudly, beginning to look worried. I did not often leave him for long or roam far away for fear that slavers or something might harm him. "Where the bloody flood can he have got to?" Frain muttered. I could not change back to wolf or man again to show him. At least I did not think I could without losing the horse. "Dair!" he shouted, forgetting all caution. Here I ami I growled, butting him hard with my head. I am sure he had never heard a horse growl before. He whirled and let go of my forelock, stepping back to stare at me. "Dair?" he whispered. I nodded hugely. But horses nod for any number of reasons, including flies, and Frain looked doubtful. "If you are really Dair," he said, "paw with your right front hoof three times." I did it promptly. I was not proud when it came to pleasing him. "Now the left, twice," he ordered. He still did not believe me! I pawed hard, annoyed. I laid back my ears at him and rolled my eyes. Frain stared at me a moment longer, then began to laugh, loudly and a bit wildly. "Dair, a horse!" he whooped. "I must be losing my mind—well, why not? You make a ridiculous horse. Your mane is nothing but bristles and your hair sticks out in all directions as if it is trying to be fur." I reared back and wheeled away from him, affronted. He came after me at once, still snickering but contrite. "Dair, don't be angry," he soothed. "I'm sorry—I am just surprised, that is all—here I stand, -apologizing to a horse!" A fresh fit of merriment swept him up, but he sobered at once when I snorted at him. "And full of humble gratitude," he added. "Please don't be angry. I'll get my things ready at once." He hastily broke camp. He placed one blanket on me, folded, by way of saddle, and put the other over my rump with the packs slung on top of it. "How am I to mount you?" he asked, still with mirth in his voice. "I am as weak as a newborn pup." We managed it with the aid of a stump. I bowed to my . foreknees to receive him. Then I straightened, and he laid his head on my neck as we worked our way through the trees. All my anger left me at that touch. I went as softly as I could, trying not to jostle him. -As soon as we reached an open space I eased into a trot, as wolflike a trot as I could make it. "Such gaits!" Frain marveled from my back. "It is like riding smooth water, sitting on a gray cloud. Even the packs lie steady. Dair, you wonder, you make a superb horse. I am so sorry I laughed at you." He had been laughing at himself or at fate, I saw that now. I trotted on contentedly. Being a horse was not nearly as satisfactory as being a wolf—horses think of uncouth things, rivalry and grazing and sore hocks and submission and mares, and I felt all the nervousness of the prey, the grass-eater, I who liked meat—still, there was the power of my massive body to be enjoyed. I wanted to spook, to fling up my head and run, but I knew Frain would not have been able to deal with that. He was still very weak. When we camped at dusk I was pleased by the journey we had come. Frain did not have much to eat, but he seemed hopeful. I grazed distastefully. Horses are like humans, they need always to be filling their bellies… I hoped I would not be eating grass for long. And indeed, the next day before noon we found the road that snakes up from Jabul. It was only a gravel track, really. We turned left on it, northward. By nightfall, I thought excitedly, we might be at my mother's dwelling, at Maeve's house in the haunt. sped along eagerly with Frain nearly asleep on my back. We were careless, both of us. We should have known we would meet robbers on this main road. And I was a horse, yet! They wanted me. Fear left me. With sudden, stormy force rage rushed through me instead. In an instant I was a wolf, and I turned on the man who held me and sheared off his hand above the wrist with one snap of my powerful jaws. The outlaws fled, screaming. My eerie change alone probably would have been enough to unnerve them, but in fact I was huge—as big as the horse, Frain told me later, whether from wrath or from haste in the changing. I bounded after my human prey, caught up with them in a single leap, slashing at their rumps and snarling as if they were so many deer. "Dair!" It was Frain. I stopped at once and let the robbers run off, turned to see him standing in the pathway and looking down at an outlaw's severed hand,-his face ashen. One glance at him and I was myself again in human form at last—I could not have been otherwise. "That does not help as much as you might think," he said as if I had done it on purpose to reassure him. "There's blood on your mouth, Dair." That which is honorable hi the wolf is less so in the man. J winced and turned away, trying to cleanse myself with my hands. All that happened was that the blood got on them, too… Frain limped over to me, sticking his knife in his belt, walking shakily. "Never mind," he said. "You were magnificent." We had better get away from here, I said. I fetched our packs and we strode off at the best pace Frain could muster. The track soon turned to a trail and wound its way up a slope. I saw tall pines rising ahead. We're almost there! I exclaimed. Frain probably heard it as an excited whimper. In another moment I sensed the haunt. I felt it as a heaviness in the air, a slight chill. Trevyn had told me about haunts. The souls whose silent presence I sensed were those whose passions bound them to earth, who for whatever reason could not fly. But passion itself was purged from them by death, and they in themselves were nothing, only formless reflections— Frain stopped where he stood with a gasp of terror, and I saw the fear-sweat running on him like rainwater. "What is it, what thing is here?" he cried wildly. "I cannot go in there, I can't go on!" Why did the bodiless 'shades undo men so? Trevyn had told me about the panic fear, the blind eyes, the madly running legs. He had not thought that I would feel it, as indeed I did not. But Frain dropped his pack and turned back the way we had come. He stopped before I had to catch hold of him. Twenty paces behind us four of the robbers had gathered, whispering to each other and pointing at us. "Great Adalis," Frain groaned. They would not come any closer to the haunt. And within it was safety. If only I could tell Frain that! I could have seized him and carried him in, he was so light and frail by then, but I was afraid he would hate me for it. I wanted him to welcome my touch someday. Come on, I urged him—a whine. He trembled. He looked at the brigands and at me. Then with a wild cry of despair or defiance he turned and ran into the pine forest and the haunt. He lurched from side to side as he ran, staggering and struggling. He always ran awkwardly, leaning to one side because of his withered arm, but this was a struggle of a different sort. It wrenched my heart to look at him. He was in pain, he seemed scarcely able to breathe. Yet he kept on. I followed close after him, not daring to touch him. Up the steep, winding path we went, with Frain panting all the way and letting out gasping, grunting sounds, strangling sounds, animal sounds… Tall trees closed around us and our enemies were shut from sight. Then Frain fell, It was not that he stumbled or fainted. It was more as if he had been knocked down, stunned by a powerful, unseen blow. He lay with lidded eyes and a face gone corpse white, his back arched with the effort to rise, every muscle taut. He clawed his way a few niches forward. He still needed to fight, to struggle onward… I grasped him under the shoulders and pulled him upright, supporting him but letting him stand. Once again he staggered forward with the blind courage of a hurt thing. I could see a rooftop ahead. Just a few more steps, I told Frain, though of course he could not understand me. Just a few more steps— The chill left the air. Warmth of welcome was all around us—we had come within the charmed circle, and the spirits were our friends and strong protectors, our bulwark against any harm. The forest ended as well and we stood at the edge of a clearing. Frain felt the change. He opened his eyes and sobbed once, then nearly toppled. I put both arms around him, trying to steady him. "Dair____" He laid his head on my shoulder and wept. In all we had been through I had never seen him weep so. I held him as best I could, patted at him, tried to comfort him, making useless, throaty sounds. I could have wept myself. |