"Spindler, Erica - See Jane Die" - читать интересную книгу автора (Spindler Erica)




Friday, March 13, 1987
Lake Ray Hubbard
Dallas, Texas

Heart thundering with exertion, fifteen-year-old Jane Killian treaded water. Sunlight reflected off the lake's glassy surface, blindingly bright. She squinted against it as a single, wispy cloud trotted across the postcard-perfect blue sky.

Jane looked back at the shore and waved her arms triumphantly. Her half sister, Stacy, two years her senior, had dared her to swim in the frigid water. Stacy's know-it-all friends—and fellow truants—had joined in, clucking their tongues, taunting her.

Jane had not just taken the dare, but had swum out past the raft, past the finger of land used as the demarcation point between the swimming and boating areas of the lake.

Not only the older sibling, Stacy was the more athletic, stronger, faster. Jane tended to be a bookworm and dreamer—a tendency Stacy enjoyed goading her about.

Take that, Jane thought. Who's the weakling now? Who's the chicken?

At the rumble of a motor, Jane turned her head. A sleek powerboat raced across the surface of the otherwise deserted lake, its path set to cross hers. An accomplished water-skier, Jane waved her arms to signal the boat's captain of her presence.

The craft veered away, seemed to falter, then angled back toward her.

Jane's heart lurched to her throat. She signaled again, this time frantically.

Still the boat came. As if its captain was deliberately aiming for her.

Panicked, she glanced back at the shore, saw that Stacy and her companions were on their feet, jumping up and down and screaming.

Still the boat came.

He meant to hit her.

A terrified cry ripped past her lips; the roar of the engine drowned it out. The boat's hull crowded, then filled, her vision.

A moment later terror was obliterated by pain as the motor's prop tore into her.


Sunday, October 19, 2003
Dallas, Texas

Jane Killian awakened with a start. Light from the video monitor flickered in the otherwise dark room. She blinked and lifted her head. It felt heavy, thick. She had fallen asleep in her screening room, she realized. She'd been editing one of her interviews, readying for her upcoming art exhibition, Doll Parts.