"Sean Russell - The Initiate Brother 2 - Gatherer of Clouds" - читать интересную книгу автора (Russell Sean)“Oh, certainly, Brother Sctura. There is no question. I have only hesitated so that I may decide how much
credence to give your young protegees report.” “Brother Shuyun did not see the number of warriors that the encampment indicates, I agree, but I do not think this was a barbarian ruse. As Shuyun-sum has said, riders from Seh were unexpected there. I fear his information is horribly true, Prefect. I propose that we send word to Brother Hutto and to the Supreme Master immediately, and under both our signatures.” “I am not certain, Brother Sotura.” The older man seemed to return to his former state of confusion. “It is so difficult to believe. An army of that size? How is that possible? Even the barbarians are not bred from the sand. We would appear to be alarmists at the very least if this army does not exist. I hesitate to sign my name to a report that is based on so little information.” “Excuse me, Prefect, but may I remind you that Lord Shonto does not question what Shuyun-sum reported.” The old man shook his head. “One can never know the true meaning of anything Lord Shonto says or does, Brother. He is engaged in a struggle for his life and the future of his House. If the Son of Heaven sent an army to Seh to save his Empire from the barbarians and Lord Shonto could control that army… consider—the balance in the Empire could be altered.” The Prefect gestured slowly toward the walls as though they encompassed all of Wa. “I do not profess to know the secrets of this Shonto’s mind, Prefect, but I take nothing he does or says at its apparent value. We do have a Brother in the Shonto House, however—a trusted advisor to the lord The Prefect’s motion suddenly lost its flow and became almost stiff. “We have had a trusted advisor in Shonto’s House before, excuse me for reminding you, Brother, and he was more loyal to his lord than to his Order. We do not have verifiable evidence of the size of the army in the desert. I should tell you that this is not the first report of barbarian hordes I have heard.” Sotura considered this for some time. “If I send a warning to our superiors under my own signature, what will the Prefect do?” ‘ ’I will feel obliged to report that I am not convinced by Brother Shuyun’s evidence.“ “Conflicting reports will certainly ensure that no action is taken. If Shuyun’s information is correct, there is little time for hesitation. Little time to seek more information.” “Excuse me for saying so, Brother Sotura, but Lord Shonto’s Spiritual Advisor, for all his abilities, is a young man and new to the north. No experience from all my years in Seh would indicate that such an army could exist in the wastes. I do not feel I would be acting as my position requires to give credence to Shuyun-sum’s report.” The old man seemed to slump a little as though this rebuttal had taken all the energy of his ancient spirit. “I fear I have tired you, Prefect. Please excuse me if I have destroyed your harmony.” The chi quan master bowed. He rocked slowly back on his heels, a look of concern registering on his face. I’m sorry, old man, Sotura thought, but I cannot allow your fears to stop what must be done. There is more at stake than |