"Russell, Sean - Swan War 1 - One Kingdom" - читать интересную книгу автора (Russell Sean)

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Book Information:
Genre: High/Epic Fantasy
Author: Sean Russell
Name: The One Kingdom
Series: Book One of The Swan’s War

Sean Russell

Book One of The Swan’s War

IN THE MOVING LANDSCAPE ONLY THE MEN WERE STILL. THEY SAT AT the long table atop Summer's Hill as motionless as stones in a running stream. Around them the wind was in flight, more joyous than a swallow, as heedless as a child. It swept down onto the new green oats and raked through the hay, making waves and patterns like sand on a riverbed. Gusts bent and swayed the trees, pulling away the spring leaves and spinning them up into the wind-washed sky. But in the center of this the men remained still. Dease was relieved that he and Samul had prevailed, and the others had agreed to meet here, where the countryside was visible for almost half a league. He didn't want to take the least chance that they would be overheard-it was enough that they had to listen to themselves.” I would say there is not one among the Wills who can even unhorse him, let alone manage what we need," Samul said- Samul, who almost never spoke out in the family assemblies, preferring to seed his ideas in the minds of others so that he might watch quietly. Samul the cunning, Dease thought of him. Beld shifted on his bench.” Toren is so sympathetic to the Wills that I think they should not even want to cause him a bruise, let alone do him harm." Dease noticed that the others looked a little uncomfortable whenever Beldor spoke. No matter what their feelings in this, no one else hated Toren the way that Beld did. Several were Toren's admirers, in many ways.

"I fear we can't trust to others to do it for us," Samul said softly.” I think the earlier plan the best. We let our cousin win the tournament, as he is likely to do anyway, and then do the deed at night so that it looks like revenge. That would be best. It will see our dear cousin removed from the succession and place the blame clearly on the Wills."

"It will hardly be clear," Dease said, unwilling to hide his distaste for what they planned, "not that it will matter. Everyone is ready to believe the Wills capable of the worst treachery."

"Then that is what we'll do, Cousins," Beld said, sitting back a little on his bench.” I worry only that some might lose their nerve." He looked around the table.” That hard decisions do not come easy to everyone."

"You can name me, Beld," Dease said.” We all know of whom you speak. You're hardly subtle."

"But subtlety is not what's needed," Beld answered, sitting forward quickly, his temper flaring. Dease could see his cousin's muscles tensing beneath his tunic.” Deeds are what's required, Cousin, and I'm not sure you can stomach that, being such an admirer of Toren's and all."

Dease met his cousin's gaze easily, not looking away or even looking particularly intimidated, and very few were not intimidated by Beld. He was a great bear of a man, but even more so, he looked like someone barely in control of a vast and raging anger-which was, in fact, the truth.

"I do admire him," Dease said simply.” In many ways he is the best of us, and not just on the tournament field."

Beld banged his fists on the table.” But Toren will give us over to the Wills! He thinks that they can be won over by charm and words, that they will be convinced to give up their feud of nine generations. He will gift them the Isle of Battle, which is no different than giving them the wealth to raise an army. Toren thinks that all we have to do is renounce our claim to the throne-as simple as that-and they will do the same, and all will be well with the world." He looked around at the others quickly.” Give up our claim! I've heard him say it myself. Do he know what the Wills would do to us if they were ever to ascend the throne? They would not forget the past. They would not forgive. Toren will see the Rennй name eradicated from Ayr, that's what Toren's... statecraft will accomplish. But it isn't our name that I want to see forgotten. No, I for one have had enough of his conciliation. I-" "Enough, Beld!" Dease interrupted.” We've all heard you rant before. Spare us, this day." Beld lunged up from the bench, but Arden and Samul grabbed his massive arms, and he let them pull him back onto the bench.” Enough of this," Samul said, his voice, as always, firm and reasonable.” Don't bait him, Dease; we can't afford division now." "Yes, I know, but let's not try to justify what we do as noble, Samul. It is the most vile treachery. We are about to murder our own cousin, and though I admit it's necessary to our preservation, still I can't pretend it is anything but what it is. You all know I've tried to reason with Toren, I've spent countless hours in this vain pursuit, and I sometimes think he came nearer to convincing me, than me to him." He splayed a large hand on the table, looking down at it sadly.” But I'm sure now that he will not be convinced to give up this folly. So we must either follow him to disaster or resort to treachery. For the future of our family, I choose treachery, but I have no doubt that I am a blackguard-a murderer and a traitor. And if we are discovered, don't imagine that our family will think otherwise, for they would rather honorable ruin than this ignominy that we have chosen." The stillness returned, as the wind raged around them, swaying the branches of the tree overhead so that shadow and sunlight chased each other madly across the table and over the grim faces of the gathered men.” Are you with us, yea or nay, Dease?" Samul asked at last. Dease looked up, a little surprised by the question.” I'm with you, yea and nay, Cousin, but I'm with you."

Samul stared down at the table before him.” Then," he said softly, "we have only to decide who will do it and how."

"I'll gladly take this infamy on myself, Cousins," Beld said, trying, but failing, to hide his satisfaction.

"No," Dease said firmly.” This is not an act born of hatred. I will do this thing"-he took a breath-"for I love him best."

Beld began to protest, but Samul silenced him.” Then you will both go. Dease will do the deed, and Beld will witness. And we will all pledge ourselves to silence or to hang together, if that is what comes-but it will be as though each of us had committed the act himself. Do you agree?"

No movement, and then each man nodded his head in turn, some more reluctantly than others. Silence settled around them again.