"Eric Frank Russel - Six Worlds Yonder" - читать интересную книгу автора (Russell Eric Frank)


by Eric Frank Russell

One thing's certain about the exploration of outer
space - there's not going to be two worlds alike! In this
new collection of interstellar explorers, the fertile and
original mind of Eric Frank Russell presents a half-
dozen of the more extraordinary possibilities.

There's the world where everything moves at a pace
so different from ours that it would take a couple of
lifetimes to establish communication. There's the planet
of immortals, with all that that really signifies. There's
the puzzling problem of keeping important messages
secret when surrounded by truculent aliens. And there's
more. . .

Every story is different, every world is unique, and
every adventure is science-fiction at its best.

Eric Frank Russell is one of the leading names in science-
fiction today. A writer of unusual ability, his stories
are marked by a lightness of touch combined with an
out-of-the-rut imagination that have made each of them
stand out in whatever format they are published. An
Englishman, his tales have appeared in all the leading
science-fiction magazines both here and abroad and have
been extensively translated, as well as rendered into
Braille for the blind.

Copyright (C), 1958, by Ace Books, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
All stories herein were previously published in Astounding
Science Fiction and are copyright, 1954, 1955, 1956, by

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