"Callahan 05 - Lady Sally's House 02 - Lady Slings the Booze v1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Spider)

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This book is dedicated, with respect and gratitude, to;

David S. Alberts, D. M. Bennett, James Buckley, Larry Flynt, Ralph Grnzburg, Maurice Girodias, Alvin Goldstein, Bob Guccione, William Hamling Hugh Heftier, E. H. Heywood, Jack Kahane Ed Lange, Charles Mackey, Marvin Mifier Edward Mishkin, Lew Rosen, Barney Rosset, Samuel Roth, HarOld Rubin, Henry Steinborn, George Von Rosen and all the courageous others who served or risked prison time for the right of all Americans to possess and enjoy pornography (literally: "writings of harlots"-such as this story) and other erotica.


This book contains homage to (or, as Woody Allen says, "outright theft from") Donald Westlake, John D. MacDonald, Leslie Charteris, Stephen J. Caniiell, Roy M. Huggins, Juanita Bartlett, Raymond Chandler, Robert Parker, Marco Vassi, and John Cleve. in addition to them, and to all those heroes cited in this book's dedication, the author wishes to thank:
-0. P. Putnam's, the first major mainstream American pubusher to pnnt a work deemed obscene by many (Vladimir Nabokov's LOLITA in 1958);
-Philip Jose Fanner, Robert A. Heinlein, and Theodore Sturgeon, who created the first sf characters with genitalia and a disposition to use them;
-Ktistine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith, the only magazine editors in contemporary sf who were willing to serialize any of the Lady Sally McGee stories;
-Susan Allison and Peter Heck of Ace Science Fiction (corporate descendant of the above-nientioned G. P. Putnam's), who published those stories in book form;
-my agent Eleanor Wood, who got Susan and Peter to pay more than they wanted for the privilege;
-David Myers, who turned me on to Nikola Tesla, with Margaret Cheney's Temarkable biography TESLA: MAN OUT OF TIME (Laurel, 1981), and the Jugoslavian film Nikola Tesla (with Orson Welles as J. P. Morgan!);
-Mary Mason and Mike Doeliman, who provided other invaluable research data pertinent to this book;
-Amos Garrett, Harry Connick, Jr.. Holly Cole, ~Spider" John Koemer, Ray Charles, Paul McCartney, Dexter Gordon, and the entire catalog of Holgйr Petersen's Stony Plain Records and Tapes, which music kept me sane and productive during this book's creation;
-Richard "Lord" Buckley, for having stomped upon this sweet, swingin' sphere; r -
-and of course, my wife Jeanne and daughter Tern, sine qua ni/ill.

This book would not have been possible (or near as much fun) without all these people, and their ilk.

A harlot with sincerity and a square egg:
they both do not exist.

-Japanese proverb

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of. But do it in private, and wash your hands afterward.


1. The Dick...

Th1s game's over, man! You gotta move your Boss or Rocky's gonna lay a subpoena on him: then his Torpedo is gonna smoke your Old Lady, and all your Heavles'll be doin time-except for maybe your Mouthpiece, but Rocky's Sheriff got him put in the corner-you got nothin' left but Punks and Junkies: you're through, Jimmy.

-ANGEL MARTIN to Jim Rockford,
commenting on a chess game, In the Rockford Flies episode 'Chicken Little Is a Little Chicken.' by Stephen J. Cannell

IT was noon before they finished scraping Uncle Louie off the dining room table.
So I missed the big Math final at ten, and with all the fuss afterward, everybody feeling sort of sony for me-and a little grossed Out by what had happened to my uncle-Mr. Cathcart never got around to making me make it up, so I ended up passing Math that semester. And it was that very night, after I thought over everything I'd seen and heard of the cops who responded that morning, that I made the decision to become a private detective instead of a cop when I grew up. I'd been trying to make up my mind since I was six. So it was a memorable day. Add all the pluses and minuses and take an average, you'd have to say it was a pretty good day all in all. Kind of rough on Uncle Louie, of course. And it ruined that table. But it turned me away from a life of crime.
Well, serious crime.
Anyway, the point I started out to make is: can you imagine what I felt like when I came downstairs and saw Uncle Louie like that? Tremendously scared and nauseous and excited all at the same time? Heart banging and buzzing in my ears and dry mouth and shaky knees? Knowing there was really nothing to be afraid of any more, but still scared to death, feeling more like a thirteen-year-old than usual? But at the same time almost happy at getting to see something like that, knowing that now I'd have a real, gruesome, Mike Hammer kind of story to tell all the guys, already planning how to tell it?