"Kim Stanley Robinson - Forty Signs of Rain" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Kim Stanley)and most were moving at about forty miles an hour.
“Why do youdo that,” Charlie whispered into his boy’s hair. Suddenly he was filled with fear, and some kind of dread or despair. “It’s just crazy.” “Ow,” Joe said. Big shuddering sighs racked them both. Charlie’s phone rang. He clicked it on and held an earplug to his ear. “Hello?” “Hi love.” “Oh hi hon!” “What’s wrong?” “Oh nothing, nothing. I’ve just been chasing Joe around. We’re at the park.” “Wow, you must be cooking. Isn’t it the hottest part of the day?” “Yeah it is, almost, but we’ve been having fun so we stayed. We’re about to head back now.” “Okay, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to check if we had any plans for next weekend.” “None that I know of.” “Okay, good. Because I had an interesting thing happen this morning, I met a bunch of people downstairs, new to the building. They’re like Tibetans, I think, only they live on an island. They’ve taken the office space downstairs that the travel agency used to have.” “That’s nice dear.” “Yes. I’m going to have lunch with them, and if it seems like a good idea I might ask them over for dinner sometime, if you don’t mind.” “No, that’s fine snooks. Whatever you like. It sounds interesting.” “Great, okay. I’m going to go meet them soon, I’ll tell you about it.” “Okay good.” “Okay bye dove.” “Bye love, talk to you.” Charlie clicked off. After ten giant breaths he stood, lifting Joe in his arms. Joe buried his face in Charlie’s neck. Shakily |