"Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage 002 - The Land of Terror" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robeson Kenneth)"I recall that a man by the name of Clark Savage recently did some remarkable work along lines of ultimate organic analysis," he said. "His findings were so advanced in part as to be somewhat bewildering. Some points about chemistry generally accepted as facts were proven wrong by Clark Savage." Jerome Coffern nodded delightedly, rubbing his rather bony hands. "That is correct," he declared. "I am proud to point to myself as one of the few chemists to realize Doc Savage’s findings are possibly the most important of our generation." At this juncture, another chemist gave an appreciable start. "Doc Savage!" he ejaculated. "Say, isn’t that the man who some weeks ago turned over to the surgical profession a new and vastly improved method of performing delicate brain operations?" "That is the same Doc Savage." Jerome Coffern’s none-too-ample chest seemed about to burst with pride. "Whew!" exploded another man. "It is highly unusual for one man to be among the world’s greatest experts in two lines so widely different as chemistry and surgery." Jerome Coffern chuckled. "You would be more astounded were you to know Doc Savage fully. The man is a mental marvel. He has contributed new discoveries to more than surgery and chemistry. Electricity, archaeology, geology and other lines have received the benefit of his marvelous brain. He has a most amazing method of working." exaggerating. "As I say, Doc Savage has a most amazing method of working," he continued. "At intervals, Savage vanishes. No one knows where he goes. He simply disappears as completely as though he had left the earth. And when he returns, he nearly always has one or more new and incredible scientific discoveries to give to the world. "It is obvious Doc Savage has a wonderful laboratory at some secret spot where he can work in solitude. Nobody can even guess where it is. But any scientific man would give half a lifetime to inspect that laboratory, so remarkable must it be." The eminent chemist smiled from ear to ear. "And I will add more. You will, perhaps, find it hard to believe. I have said Doc Savage is a mental marvel. Well, he is also a muscular marvel as well. He has a body as amazing as his brain. "His strength and agility are incredible. Why, for Doc Savage it is child’s play to twist horseshoes, bend silver half-dollars between thumb and forefinger and tear a New York telephone directory in half. "Were Doc Savage to become a professional athlete, there is no doubt in my mind but that he would be the wonder of all time. But he will not employ his astounding strength to earn money, because he is one of those very rare persons—a genuinely modest man. Publicity and world-wide fame do not interest him at all." Jerome Coffern halted abruptly, realizing his enthusiasm was getting away with his dignity. He reddened. |