"01 - Armageddon, the Musical (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Rankin Robert)'I seem to recall that being a corporate decision,' Garstang replied, rattling his foliage in an agitated manner.
'And I seem to recall you insisting that you accept the TV awards at the celebration dinners.' The hooknose reseated himself as Mungo continued, 'Garstang, you have been on the team for, how long is it now?' 'One hundred and eighty-seven Earth years.' 'And during this short period there have been no less than three world wars.' 'They've been very popular with the viewers.' 'That's as may be, but it surely can't have escaped your attention that the Earthers are a little hard-pressed for weapons at the moment. What do you suggest they do, sling food tins at one another?' Gryphus Garstang maintained a sulking silence. 'I think we should go for the love angle.' The voice belonged to Lavinius Wisten, a pale willowy wisp of a man, with the bearing of a poet and the sexual habits of a Fomahaunt Marshferret. 'Passion amongst the shelter-folk. My team and I have come up with a scenario in which two proto-embryos become separated accidentally 28 at the sperm bank. They grow up in separate shelters, then meet and fall in love, finally to discover that they are twins. I'm also working on the possibility that they have a genetic mutation that makes them immune to radiation. They leave the shelters and repopulate the Earth. I thought we might call it Earth Two, The Sequel.' Mungo Madoc sank into his chair and made plaintive groaning noises. 'Well, I think it's got everything going for it.' 'But it's not in the plot.' 'We could weave it in.' 'Weave it in?' Mungo raised himself up to an improbable height and blew exquisite pollen from his left nostril. 'How many times must I remind you that this series has an original script?' 'Oh, that again,' said Garstang, and immediately wished he hadn't. 'When our founder drew up the original script for The Earthers, it was written into the contract that, although a certain degree of creativity was allowable, the basic plot wasn't to be tampered with in any way. This, you will recall, is referred to as Holy Writ.' 'And if I recall,’ sneered the hooknose, 'it ends with a world war.' 'And if I recall,' said Calvus Cornelius, who felt that it was his turn to stick two pennyworth in, 'it was scheduled to end in the Earth year 999.' There was a long silence; this was one of those things that it was not considered seemly to touch upon. Cornelius could suddenly hear the call of the compost beds. 'Or so Garstang is always saying,’ he said rapidly. 'I never have,’ Garstang rose with a flurry of heart-crossing. 29 'Gentlemen, gentlemen, this is getting us nowhere. Surely one amongst you has something constructive to offer.' Mungo Madoc gazed at the blank faces. His eyes soon caught upon that of Fergus Shaman, which appeared a little less blank than the rest. It was smiling broadly. 'Fergus,' said Mungo, 'Fergus, do you have something to tell us?' |