"01 - Armageddon, the Musical (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Rankin Robert)

Rex stared into the smiling face. He could always make it look like an accident. Say she just fell and broke her neck. But then, what if he was discovered? It could very easily spoil his chances of early promotion. 'Is my sister Gloria about?' he asked casually.

'Gloria?' The name took a moment or two to sink in, but when it finally did, the effect was nothing less than magical. 'Gloria Mundi?' said the receptionist in a still, small voice. 'Station controller?'

'Got her in one,’ said Rex brightly. 'My sister, if you could just give her a buzz, I'm sure she wouldn't mind showing me the way. It was she who arranged the interview, you see.'

The receptionist who personally conveyed Rex to the door of Ms Vrillium's office appeared to have under­gone a miraculous transfiguration. Having provocatively wiggled down the corridors before him, she now took her leave with a comely wink and a husky, 'See you later, big boy.'

Rex watched her depart. What a charming woman, he thought, I know I'm just going to love working here.


It's surprising just how utterly wrong it's possible to be, when you really put your mind to it. For whilst Rex stood in that corridor, regarding the receptionist's reced­ing rear-end and considering the engaging possibilities of nepotism correctly applied, dark clouds were gather­ing upon the already darkened horizon. Great forces were stirring beneath the Earth's surface, and in a distant part of the galaxy, plans were being hatched that would ultimately threaten the very fabric of universal existence.

Or so it says here.


,’f it's God's will, who gets the money? Tony O'Bkmey

If there is one factor which binds together all the really great religions of this world, it's that God created man in his own image. Many cynical atheists loudly assert that the reverse is really the case, putting the whole thing down to egocentricity on the part of the believer. But then what do atheists know about God anyway? What these doubt- ing Toms have failed to grasp is the hidden truth: God created man in his own image, because he had to. The erect biped, head at the top, feet at the bottom, wedding tackle about halfway up, represents the universal archetype, when it comes to the 'intelligent' being. This fact has long been known to science-fiction afficionados and UFO contactees. Alien beings, from no matter which part of the galaxy they might hail, in­evitably bear a striking resemblance to man. There are the occasional variations in height and cranial dimen­sions, but for the most part our cosmic cousins are a pretty reasonable facsimile of ourselves. Many even speak good English, often with a pronounced American accent. Such facts can hardly be argued with. They are evidence, should any really be needed, of a cosmic masterplan, and sufficient in themselves to serve friend atheist up with a wok-load of egg. Faces, for the use of.


What it all comes down to, as it so often does, is the very beginning of the universe. This, say the bigheads of the scientific fraternity, all began with a big bang. Wrong! The universe, in fact, began with the sound of a duck call, followed by a whistle and an enormous cosmic wind-break. Had anyone been around at the time to overhear these sounds, they would probably have re­ceived a pretty good indication of what God had up his sleeve, amongst other places.

About five minutes after the burst of celestial flatulence, when the air had begun to clear a bit, things began to settle down into the shapes which were most comfortable and efficient for them. And so they remained. No-one has yet improved upon the sphere as a planetary shape, nor the erect biped as its ruling species. That's the way it is. Like it, or lump it. QED.

Certainly, some races evolved mentally a lot quicker than others. The reason for this has come to be known as Duke's Principle, 'a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do'. Or to simplify it, they evolved quicker, because they had to. It all depends very much upon what a particular planet has to offer in terms of pickable food, huntable animals, farmable lands and whatever. The Trempish of Trempera, for instance, found themselves competing with huge armour-plated reptiles, carnivores with virtually impenetrable hides and seemingly insatiable appetites. If the Trempish hadn't had the ingenuity to dig a series of baited dead-falls, distil an acid from the bark of a rare tree, tip their arrows with it and shoot the trapped beasties in their exposed pineal glands, they would surely have died out. As it was, they hadn't, so they did! Thus proving, that when a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, he'd better pull his finger out and get on with it.

And so it was with the Phnaargs of Phnaargos. Their


'gotta doing' was not immediately apparent. They lived upon a gloriously verdant world, devoid of killer reptiles and flying scorpions, rich in natural vegetation, with a mild climate and some really knockout sunsets. However, to wax biblical, this Eden was not without its serpent. Only here it came in the form of the cathode ray tube. Mankind didn't come across this miracle until its closing moments, but it wasn't so on Phnaargos. For on Phnaargos, the cathode ray tube grew wild. And so, at a time when humankind was still tossing rocks at the hairy elephants and experimenting with DIY in the family cave, the Phnaargs were watching TV.

Now, if it was strange that the cathode ray tube should grow wild upon a planet, then it is surely stranger still that the botanical equivalents of the video camera, the microphone, the mixing desk, the spotlight, the little monocular thing that a really duff director wears around his neck, and all the other paraphernalia necess­ary to television production, should similarly be bloom­ing away, ready for the harvest. In fact, many might be forgiven for finding it unlikely, to say the very least. But the Almighty moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. And who are we to question his motives?

Now, with all this technology sprouting around them, one might also be forgiven for thinking that the Phnaargs were a 'race blessed of God'. But, you'd be wrong on that one too. For nothing could be further from the truth. The Phnaargs were the first race ever to become irrevocably hooked on television, the first to fall victim to the dangerous and terminally addictive radiations of the cathode ray tube. And once infected at such an early stage in their development, they were well and truly done for.

Within a few short years of their discovery, the planet was literally forested with cultivated TV stations and the


Phnaargs, almost slaves. Those not engaged in full time viewing strove to supply the needs of those who were. The needs soon became demands and the demands were wild. For this was a young and primitive stock and it liked its TV meaty!

And so Duke's Principle came into effect upon Phnaargos. The Phnaarg TV execs, finding that supply was far outstripped by demand, were forced to do something. To boldly go where no man had gone before. To seek out new worlds and new civilizations. And televise them.

And such it was, that by a rare freak of chance, which suddenly makes all the foregoing relevant, the Phnaargs came across Planet Earth. Here they found man, still stoning the mammoths, whacking up the murals and generally minding his own business. Had he been allowed to carry on with these trivial pursuits, he would probably be doing so even now. But the visiting Phnaargs were not slow to realize the potential of mankind's development as great TV material. They wasted little time in setting up their horticultural transmitters and getting on with the show. And the rest, like it or like it not, is history.