"Richard Powers - The Gold Bug Variations" - читать интересную книгу автора (Powers Richard)and skin resisting the sag of age. His
forehead arced down into thin nose cartilage, and his lower lip shaded indistinctly into a long chin. Had he not been anemic, his crew cut might have made him an astronaut. His extraordinary moist eyes monitored me with the soft hurt of animals, encouraging me to say the worst. He seemed not to blink, like a camp refugee or feebleminded ward of state. He wore a forgettable light suit, a narrow maroon tie not seen since the fifties, and an immaculate oxford button-down, carefully ironed but pilled to exhaustion around the collar. He emitted the aura—accurate, it turned out—that he found buying clothes too embarrassing. He was over the median age by twenty years. As I stared, wondering if this was an assault, the figure said, in a voice rattling like a cracked distributor, "Excuse me, Miss. There's been a mistake." I hadn't a clue what he was talking about. Worse—the ultimate terror for my profession—I had no source to appeal to. Just his being here disturbed me; at that domain of retirees and transients. A male of employable age, able-bodied albeit as emaciated as a Cranach Christ, upset the statistics. "There's been a mistake. I'm afraid the date is off." Influenced by earlier having identified the relative strengths of shipmast flags and Aldis lamps, I thought I'd been singled out to receive a cryptogram canceling some covert operation. All-points bulletin: Date off. His fastidiously soft-toned grammar, in best academic fashion, removed all trace of personal involvement: There's been..., The date is.... I gawked at him, mutely rolling my head to either side, Galileo's pendulum experiments with my brain the deadweight. "I apologize for being so unnecessarily elliptical," he added. A frail finger directed my attention to the Today in History. "This account, which I don't for a minute doubt to be accurate in particulars, is, unfortunately, irrelevant." He gave me an apologetic smile, an attempt to be amenable despite having just run over my pet dog. I still produced |