"Brian Plante - The Astronaut" - читать интересную книгу автора (Plante Brian) THE ASTRONAUT
by BRIAN PLANTE **** Inspiration doesn’t always take the form you might expect.... In May of 2030, right after school let out for the year, my family moved from New Jersey to Seguin, Texas, home of the world’s largest pecan, relocating us to follow the company they both worked for. By June, I was bored to death. My friends (all two of them) were back in New Jersey and I didn’t know anybody in the new place yet, and wouldn’t until school started up in a couple of months. Each morning, my folks would commute to their jobs in San Antonio, an hour’s drive to the west on Route 10, so I was alone most of the day, spending my time just staring at the ceiling of my bedroom or watching the Mars Channel on the holovision. The Romulus had been underway for three months, with another three to go before it made its way to the red planet, and even that was starting to get a little boring. Among the few chores my parents gave me to justify my miserable existence during those long summer months was to keep the lawn mowed. That wasn’t such a big deal in New Jersey, where the grass only grew half the year, and the summers were semi-bearable, but in Texas the heat was intense. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the house hadn’t come with an underground irrigation system, since the grass would have withered and blown away as the land turned back to the desert it naturally should have been, but unfortunately for me this grass was lush and green and it was my job to keep it that way. This was no small task in that scorching heat. I had the lawn maintenance down to a weekly schedule, and one blistering day that age, I wasn’t particularly industrious when it came to performing slave labor. Instead of mowing the lawn in the cool of the early morning, like any sensible person would have done, I went back to bed after my parents had gone to work. I slept a little more, stared at the ceiling for a while, and watched the transmission from the Romulus for a couple of hours. By 11:00, the sun was high and the heat was building outside, and then I had the mowing to do. What a jerk I was, huh? So there I was in the noonday sun, sweating bullets as I finished up the lawn, pushing the loud, stinky mower back into the garage, when I first caught a glimpse of her. It was my next-door neighbor, and she was a major distraction. She was probably twice my age, but a real beauty, with a pretty face, strawberry blonde hair and a body to die for, dressed in khaki shorts and a Vikings football jersey. A boy my age with serious hormone problems couldn’t have hoped for a nicer neighbor, and I had struck gold. She was sitting on a fancy riding mower, trying in vain to get the thing started. A damsel in distress. I put away our mower and walked over to introduce myself. “Hi, I’m Davy Carson, your next-door neighbor,” I said. “Got problems with your mower?” She looked flustered and startled when I spoke, then looked me over and apparently judged me harmless. “Hello, Davy Carson. Pleased to meet you. I’m Rosemary Horton.” Even though she looked like your typical Texas beauty pageant queen, her voice had a flat Midwestern accent, not the local drawl. It was a wonderful, pleasant voice. “You folks just moved in a few weeks ago, didn’t you?” “Six weeks already,” I said. “Oh, that long? I really should have come over sooner and said hello. I mean, |