" Perry Rhodan 1804 - Struggle To Survive" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

"Cistolo Khan to all personnel," he said. "All space units prepare for immediate deployment! The 42
research ships will send launches to the Temple of Kummerog. The 3000 units of the sentry fleet will
approach the planetary surface to an altitude of five kilometres and prepare for a large-scale operation."

Confirmation was received from the fleet commanders. At the same time, close-range
communications everywhere within the Terran fleet awakened into excited activity.

"What's going on, Khan?" someone called to ask. "What's this all about?" "Take a look at the
readings, Wallerten," the LFT Commissioner replied. He not only knew all the more than 3000 captains
of the ships over Trokan personally, but also their voices. "We still have three hours until sundown on this
side of the planet. Then the surface crust will cool down again. Have the robot units reached their
positions yet?"

"That'll take a while," Prett Boemer reported from the Paper Moon. "Several units have been affected
by disturbances in their antigrav systems."

"It must be due to local variations in Trokan's gravitational field." Khan groaned softly. "We're losing
time that we'll probably never be able to make up again."

He ordered the robots to remain in the vicinity of the train and use their tractor beams to ensure that
no more Herreach fell to their deaths. Then the gliders changed course and headed towards their original

Cistolo Khan accelerated at maximum power. A defence field automatically formed around the outer
hull to protect the glider from overheating as a result of air friction. The craft sped northwards and rose
into Trokan's thin atmosphere. After a thousand kilometres, it went into a steep dive and braked to a
stop just above the surface.

"Position Delta-Two-Eight-Five has been reached," the Syntron reported.

"Open hatch four and unload the data-collection instruments!" Khan ordered. He stood up and closed
the helmet of his SERUN.

The two men left the glider and touched down on the barren plains of the planet. It was a world that
had been on the negative side of the Universe just a few decades before, and during the last 66 years it
had gone through an accelerated evolution.

That only roughly described what had actually taken place: On Trokan, time had passed 3.7 million
times faster than in the rest of the Solar System. The planet had been enveloped in a Time Lapse field
that had insulated it from its surroundings, and within, 250 million relative years had gone by.

During that time, Trokan had lost its negative Strangeness and developed into a life-bearing world. A
race of humanoid beings called the Herreach had arisen. Beneath the whirling temporal field over the
atmosphere, the Herreach had built their civilization and formed their view of the universe - until that
moment when the evolutionary process stopped and their world readjusted to the space and time of the
Solar System.

Now that the insulating layer above Trokan's atmosphere had disappeared, there were increasing
signs that the cyclic changes of temperature brought on by the appearance of day and night would have