" Perry Rhodan 0051 - (43) Life Hunt" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

"Yes sir!" answered the clerk, his eyes fairly glowing with joy. Never before had he had a boss like Ixt
and it was a pleasure to work for him.

Hardly 10 steps farther down the street, John Marshall had already forgotten that he was owner of one
of the most exclusive animal dealerships in Trulan. Only one problem occupied his mind: how was he
going to slip unnoticed into his hideout in the slums?


"Arga," said Gege Moge angrily, pointing excitedly at the creature on the examination table, "don’t you
see that once again we’re dealing with an anaphylactic shock? How often do I have to tell you that these
violent reaction symptoms should appear under no circumstances during the preliminary tests? Now the
entire preliminary test series has been rendered questionable! Have this binn sent over to Dissection and
tell them I want to know why he’s allergic to his own blood serum. Why can’t the U-Lf54 Serum, which
is taken from binns, be used on intelligence levels below C? And does it have the best results when used
on levels B and G? Make it clear to the Dissection Department that I must have their findings tomorrow
morning! Now get going and see that everything’s taken care of!"

With an angry look the Ara doctor watched the Arkonide girl, a medical student named Arga Silm,
leave. Then he turned his attention to the dead binn, a late member of a species no one could accurately
classify. A binn was a sort of halfway point between the plant and animal kingdoms. Carrying on
respiration after the fashion of plants, it ate and drank in a distinctly animal manner. The binns were
indeed neither plant nor animal but living things possessing intelligence, even if that particular attribute was
rather limited and rated at Level C.

Gege Moge regarded with the eyes of a scientist the flat body with 5 members that served just as well
for locomotion as for grasping and working. The binn was just over 3 feet long and weighed almost 90
pounds. Its head resembled a flower stalk and all its sense organs lay behind orifices which were now
closed in death. Nothing could be seen of the mouth, the orientation sensor or even the ring of eyes.
Formerly a warm-blooded creature, the binn lay stiff and cold on the examining table—dead from the
serum its own body had produced.

"Poor fellow," commented the Ara scientist, somewhat moved. "I’ve known you for more than 300
years and suddenly now you’re gone. It’s too bad, binn. I’ve always enjoyed working with you!"

He left the room and met the Arkonide student Arga Silm once more in the hall. He stopped her. "Go to
the zoo and pick out 2 new binns. I need them for tomorrow morning."

"But I’m not authorized to go into the zoo’s restricted area, Moge," the student reminded him, looking
expectantly at the Ara with her marvellously radiant eyes.

Already walking on, the Ara doctor told her "I’ll arrange for the Administration to give you permission
but just to be sure, check with them before you go to the zoo and see if everything is alright."

He isn’t lying!thought the Arkonide student. He only said what he really thought! At last I have
something to report to John Marshall!