" Perry Rhodan 0042 - (34) SOS Spaceship Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)Titan completely secured and their security foolproof?"
Perry answered curtly with another question. "Have you ever found anything on board theTitan that wasn’t?" Bell’s grin in return meant that no reply was needed. He simply pointed to the centre of the control room. There were still traces of some object, which had been organically fused and inter-blended, with the composition of the Arkonide steel decking. For a moment Perry did a take at him, wonderingly—then remembered the almost hopeless fight that the twin-headed mutant, Ivan Ivanovich Goratschin, had waged with the control automaton here in the command centre. This control automaton had been the all-powerful tool of the robot brain on Arkon, so powerful that its reach had no limit in the universe. Producing its own energy, built for the sole purpose of executing the orders of the mammoth positronicon, it also had the means of blowing up theTitan if it fell into enemy hands. But Goratschin had brought his unfathomable mental powers to bear on the automaton, causing fusion of enough calcium atoms to destroy it from within. All this was on Rhodan’s mind as signals from the propulsion drive section began to arrive. Micro-speakers rattled sequenced ‘All Clear’ announcements. Green lights climbed the checkout panels swiftly. In Bell’s area it was the same: race of sounds, parity lights, indicator flashes. Only a brain with Arkonide schooling could control the mammoth complex. A barely perceptible vibration ran through the space giant. The huge sphere, built of Arkon steel and supported by a ring of telescopic struts, seemed to keen toward the jump into outer space. It had the capability of accelerating to the speed of light within 10 minutes. Eight days prior, theGanymede had lifted off for Earth. Now in only a few minutes theTitan would leave this world behind. The power generators began to whine under maximum load. More and more greens and all clears flakked through the countdown system. The force-field projectors signalled their readiness to start up. Also the powerful H-field generators poised themselves in their coils for activation. These served to repeal meteors and other flying debris in spaceflight. If activated here on the ground, they could cut a clean swath through the spaceport for a radius of 7 miles. Rhodan never ceased to be overwhelmed with admiration for the know-how of the Arkonides. In palmier days what they had accomplished had been incredible. But now they were decadent, having allowed their magnificent galactic empire to degenerate until finally, only 6 years ago, they had accepted the mammoth robot brain as their overlord. Rhodan knew that the Arkonides’ empire of multiple worlds was what might be termed ‘ready for plucking’, yet he had no visions of coming here as a bloody conqueror to leave behind a trail of ruins and misery. Rather, he would build and create, not with the Arkonides but with Earthlings, with the young and the daring, with his own kind. His vision of the future was interrupted by the accelerating signal traffic of the countdown process. The ship’s master positronicon was in full operation. "Lift-off commit!" The X-count dwindled rapidly. |