" Perry Rhodan 0042 - (34) SOS Spaceship Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

importance, something which Bell, naturally, had overlooked.

"I give up," whispered Bell. "What is it?"

"Pan-vidscreen, sector Beta-slash-eight!"

Behind Perry Rhodan stood the Arkonide, Khrest, his tall figure impressive and his intellectually sensitive
features as always unforgettable. And now he, too, noted for the first time the designated area on the
seamless panob screen. Bell saw the three blips in sector Beta-slash-eight and took comfort in the fact
that even the top Arkonide scientist had needed Rhodan’s suggestion to make the discovery.

"Spacers." Bell tried to sound casual but was unsuccessful as usual. He stole a sidelong glance at Perry,
who smirked knowingly. He knew his chubby friend too well to be bluffed by him.

"Where’s the comp data?" That was Perry Rhodan, the man in charge. He knew that the range and
bearing computations for the trajectories of the three spaceships must have been retrieved by now if the
bogey-tracker at the scan console were anything but a zombie.

The comp data readout began to crawl across the screen.

Perry and Bell exchanged glances. Their grim expressions slowly changed to looks of relief.

Rhodan turned to Khrest. "Well, we may have been recognized by the robot brain on Arkon but it
doesn’t quite trust us yet."

"A computer brain—a machine, Perry!" the old Arkonide argued contemptuously. "A machine is not
human. A positronicon cannot know the value of Terranian integrity."

Perry Rhodan couldn’t suppress a smile. "Thanks for the compliment, Khrest, but you exaggerate.
We’re not that honest. I don’t even blame the positronicon for sending spacers after myGanymede to
check out the hypertransition. Between real friends there shouldn’t be any secrets. Your fine mechanical
Regent of Arkon seems to know that. It may have already questioned our motive for keeping the position
of our home world a secret and as a logical consequence may have started to doubt our expressed
readiness to support the Arkonide Empire."

"But youare supporting it," replied Khrest, somewhat shaken.

Perry could answer with unblemished conscience. "Yes, but not as unselfishly honest as the duty
between friends demands. I have never for a second abandoned the plan to conquer Arkon’s empire for
the Earth."

At that moment an announcement from the Hyper-Sensor section blatted out over the speaker: "
Ganymedetransition executed under standard coordinate data. Hypertran compensator not used.
Message received pulse-coded. Over to Com Control and out."
Through a rash of contact-switching and speaker cracklings, Communications Control followed up with:
"To Commander-in-Chief. Three unidentified spacecraft onGanymede course. Coordinate comp
readout: origin, Arkon. End of message. Col. Freyt."

"Well?" asked Rhodan, and waited for Khrest’s answer.