" Perry Rhodan 0042 - (34) SOS Spaceship Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

Tagnor, the immense spaceport, was the largest on Zalit, fourth planet of the Voga System. Here, more
than 15,000 years ago, the first Arkonide ships had landed and begun to colonize this sector of the
universe. For 15,000 years the ships of space had landed and taken off—but they had only been stellar
travellers of the Arkon Empire or those of its satellites, never visitors from the unknown vastness of the
outer void.

TheGanymede was not Arkonide in origin; she did not belong to the world of Star Cluster M-13; her
home was Earth.

X minus 20 to Lift-off for Terrania!

Soon the Earthship would thrust aloft into space and the wonder of the unimaginable beauty where
thousands of suns gleamed out of the supernal abyss like phosphorescent starfish, suns coalescing in veils
of colour to alleviate the awesome ebony maw of the Universe and transform this corner of the Cosmos
into some enchanted boulevard of cascading fire fountains.

M-13-star cluster—34,000 light-years distant from Earth, a domain of more than 100,000 stars—that
was Arkon. And Zalit, 4th planet of the Voga System within M-13, was only one of many worlds that
had been colonized by Arkon in millennia past.

X minus 10. In 10 seconds the mightyGanymede would rise and leave this alien Empire—an infinitesimal
mote in the infinite. Colonel Freyt made this mental comparison while glancing at the countdown
indicators and watching the second hand tick toward X minus zero. He was flying back to the speck of
nothingness in the void by order of Perry Rhodan but—here he squared his chest and a gleam of pride
came into his eyes—he would return to M-13 together with the Chief and turn this empire of a hundred
thousand stars upside down.

It was the final second. The big panoramic observation screen revealed the spaceport of Tagnor.
Hundreds of spacers were lined up down below but Col. Freyt only had eyes for one of them—theTitan
—and again as always the impact of the tremendous sphere sent a tingle down his spine.

There! X minus Zero… and Lift-off!

In the midst of a thundering and roaring from its engines, the ship seemed to rise with carefree ease. It
lifted slowly into the cloud ceiling. The drifting clouds appeared to be a tenacious substance into which
the ship gradually pierced its way until the tail fins disappeared from view.

Then came the shock-boom from the force of the blast-off which shoved theGanymede aloft. The cloud
cover was rent asunder, roiling and tattering aside into shreds. A gigantic hole opened up, through which
the red sun of Voga spilled its radiance over Tagnor, and in the centre of this blinding montage of light the
rising spaceship was boldly etched in all of its imposing magnitude.

It continued to accelerate and to recede, hurtling outward into the sunset, until in a final flash of light it

Slowly, the mile-wide gap closed in the cloud-cover over Tagnor…