" Perry Rhodan 0042 - (34) SOS Spaceship Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

he can find the Earth, and how we Earthlings fit into it. Speaking of Mooffs, I have a new puzzle. How is
it that Bell can’t remember the meeting we had where Thora made her suggestion to come to this place,
as a preferred hideout for waiting until the hytrans compensator—"

"Bell too?" asked Khrest startled.

"There’s somebody else, Khrest?"


"Who says?"

"She herself, Perry. Yesterday after we landed, she confessed to me her confusion. She has no idea now
as to why she should have recommended Honur!"

Rhodan was incredulous. "Khrest, you’ve got to be joking!"

"Unfortunately not, Perry."

A light bulb came on for Perry. He suddenly realized that it wasn’t Reginald Bell’s nature to have sensed
such revulsion for the Thatrel System. It wasn’t like him at all. He wasn’t the nervous type or sensitive at
all to premonitions.

"Khrest, let’s visit the library!" Perry was on his way even as he suggested it. Khrest followed.

They had to use three different grav-lifts to get there. It required 10 minutes.

The library constituted an entire deck section. It bore no resemblance to a Terrestrial library since there
were no books to speak of. It was, rather, a futuristic data retrieval system. Rhodan went over to the
data request control console. He had to accustom himself to this stupendous information bank, which
was of course larger than that of theStardust II . But after a few seconds, data began to be delivered
from a micro-jungle of a hundred million memory cores, at lightning speed and in precise response to the
inquiry. Throughout the veritable ‘acreage’ of drums, discs and registers, the microcircuit readout beads
by the hundreds were culling the information. The data readout terminals consisted of both video-screen
and voice speaker. They could both see the data spilling out on the screen before them and hear it
spoken aloud.

"Gravitation 0.7 of Arkon One. Atmospheric conditions…" It rattled on in regard to oxygen content,
temperature, humidity, meteorology, geological structure and so forth, adding charts and graphs.
‘Primeval world,’ it continued. "Settled by Arkonides 14,643 years ago. Final group of immigrants
landed on Honur only 18 years later. Empirical Council rejected a climatic reconditioning project because
costs outweighed gains due to poor natural resources…"

Perry winked at Khrest. "The holy bureaucracy again: on Earth, on Arkon—everywhere!"

Then came the unusual part of the report: "121 years after the first immigration to Honur the entire
Thatrel System was declared ‘Off Limits’ for all spacers. This ban has not been lifted,"
The flow of data stopped. That wasall concerning Honur. Yet Perry had ordered an exhaustive report
on the subject.