" Perry Rhodan 0042 - (34) SOS Spaceship Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)"Sheesh! Some soil condition down there!" muttered Bell with a frown of apprehension. He was thinking of the multi-million ton weight of theTitan . "Nice of you to remind me," called Perry. "I’ll compensate for our tonnage with the grav-beams." Bell grunted his surprise. "What’d I say…?" "You were seeing our strut pads sinking into that sandy soil and theTitan ’s base becoming a part of the landscape, weren’t you?" Bell grinned his relief. "Maybe you’ve been around our telepaths too long, Perry!" A bright, blinking panel light indicated that theTitan had made contact with the ground. Safe landing accomplished 4/ MESSENGERS FROM THE STARS Col. Freyt, commander of theGanymede , faced his colleague across their back-to-back desk in Terrania. He inspected the dispatches, which Col. Klein had silently pushed over to him, and was heard "Klein," he complained, "what gives with you people here on Earth? This is slower than Arkonide scheduling! At this rate I’ll never make it to Honur on time. Why the devil does it take your plants so long to deliver the goods?" Col. Klein, Perry Rhodan’s deputy on Earth when the Chief was in outer space, shook his head in stem deliberation. "Freyt, you’ve told me so much about that industrial planet of Arkon 3 that you’ve lost your perspective of Terrestrial conditions. Don’t forget that the hypertrans-compensator is an invention of the Galactic Traders. To build this miracle device we have to convert a whole group of our heavy industries! What I mean, this order’s not for any run-of-the-mill compensator—it’s a monster! It can’t be done from one day to the next—we’re not on Arkon 3. Earth isn’t one big domino-row of factories." "Sorry, Klein, that doesn’t help me," retorted Freyt. "In my last coded hyper-gram I announced my arrival time on Honur. I just have to be there on time. Now I’ve got to have some reassurance from you because I don’t like our vulnerability out there." Klein arched a brow at him. "With the ship Perry’s driving?" he turned to look through the windows at the tremendous spaceport of Terrania. There the 24-hundred-foot diameter sphere of theStardust II sat on its telescopic struts next to the toweringGanymede , with all of the powerful space cruisers sitting on the ground behind them. It was obvious that Klein was picturing in his mind how the overwhelming size of theTitan would dwarf all this by comparison. He turned back, querulously. "Are you kidding?" "Klein, my friend, you’re looking through rose-coloured glasses! Sure, Rhodan’s ship has the right name—she’s aTitan , all right. But the whole Arkonide Empire isn’t kindergarten. We’re talking about more than 100,000 suns and a flock of satellite galaxies, all governed by a giant computer brain that |