"Blaine Lee Pardoe - Battletech - Battlecorps - Betrayal Of Ideals Part 1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pardoe Blaine Lee)

make your word the rule of law.”
Nicholas Kerensky rose and grasped her hand tightly. He slapped
McEvedy on the shoulder, just on the Wolverine patch that she
wore on her shirt. “My Wolverines have always made me proud. I
know you will do what is right, Khan McEvedy.”

Khan Jason Karrige of Clan Widowmaker saw Nicholas emerge.
He tapped Khan Franklin Osis of the Smoke Jaguars on the arm and
nodded to the ilKhan standing at the edge of the patio, apparently
out to take in the evening air. The two of them knew his pattern and
had been waiting for the chance to talk with him, especially when
their officers had reported that Khan McEvedy had departed.
Nicholas did not acknowledge them walking up. He stared into
the Strana Mechty night, drinking in the stars and the cool evening
air. Khan Karrige led the small group in approaching him, straight-
ening his uniform as he stood next to Kerensky. “Wonderful night,
is it not, my ilKhan?”
Kerensky didn’t look at him, but continued to stare upwards. “It
is at that.”
“I trust that you have resolved the matter I brought to your at-
tention yesterday?” He spoke with a veil over his words. The
matter–the Wolverines and their ignoring the caste system–had
been a hotly discussed topic between them. Has he confronted
that arrogant surat McEvedy?
Nicholas turned to face him. “Your concerns were valid, though I
do not appreciate how you arrived at the information you did.” His
verbal barb was over the fact that Khan Karrige had placed a spy in
the camp of another Clan. This was something that Nicholas had
flown off the handle about during the revelation the day before;
almost as much as at what the Wolverines had done. Karrige felt
his face redden at the reminder of his breach of etiquette with his
fellow Khans.
The ilKhan had made it clear–only he would or could authorize
surveillance of a clan, anything else was dishonorable. While
BattleCorps Foundations of Fate • Page 10

Karrige knew his stance, he also was aware that many of his peers
were also spying on each other and him. Nicholas continued. “I
have expressed my point of view on this issue with Khan McEvedy.
The matter will be resolved.”
“Of course it will, ilKhan. If not for my source alone, none of us
would have known of this transgression, that was my only pur-
pose in asking,” Khan Karrige replied. “As you know, this is not the
first time that the Wolverines have bent the rule of your law. There
was that incident with the Sea Foxes only a few short months ago.”