"Blaine Lee Pardoe - Battletech - Battlecorps - Betrayal Of Ideals Part 1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pardoe Blaine Lee) “I do not know.” And that is what scares me. “We have beaten
off these attempts so far. Going forward I will not be so defen- sive, however. I believe we will offer some challenges to Clan Widowmakers’ holdings on Dagda. Let them feel some of our fury on our terms. I grow tired of playing defense. It is time to let them wonder what our next actions are.” “Very well, sir.” “There is more I need to ask of you, Star Colonel,” the Wolverine Khan said plainly. “Someone has been spying on our Clan from within. I learned of this through recent conver- sations. I have no idea if this surveillance is limited, or part of a much broader plan. I have had our communications personnel monitor all outgoing HPG transmissions, and we discovered a clever cipher being used. We now know who is spying on us. I want you to apprehend this man and interrogate him. Learn what he knows. I want to know what Clans are working against us and what their ultimate intent is. Find a way to turn this to our advantage.” BattleCorps Foundations of Fate • Page “Sir,” Franklin was clearly shaken at the idea that Clansmen would spy on a fellow Clansman–especially his own clan. “Perhaps this is a matter best handled by those more skilled in such areas.” “Negative,” McEvedy replied. “You are one of my most trusted that you will not let your emotions get the better of you. We must apprehend this individual and turn this to our advantage. I need you to be my eyes and ears. It is necessary that we have intelligence on those that have turned against us, no matter how distasteful I find it. I expect you to make that happen. I will make BattleCorps the resources available to you to ensure success. You may take Star Captain Trish with you if you desire. Beyond that, share this information with no one. Do this in such a way that those that are betraying us are unaware of your actions. Use…discretion.” “Yes sir.” The younger rising star of his Clan was obviously shak- en. “In the months to come Franklin, I am going to be asking a lot of you. For now what I need you to do is to ensure the safety of our people. I am going to give you a wide latitude in regard to this. Do not fail me now. Remember, you are bound to the Wolverines. We are your heart and soul. We are your family through blood and battle.” “Yes sir. But my Khan, perhaps this is not a task a Warrior should undertake. Surely there are others that have better experience in such areas.” |