"Blaine Lee Pardoe - Battletech - Battlecorps - Betrayal Of Ideals Part 1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pardoe Blaine Lee)

that it was a lie. He had never discussed this with the other Khans.
Karrige was simply following Nicholas down the verbal path he
was laying out, in hopes it ended up in the same place he and the
others had wanted to go. He also knew that the Wolverines had
beaten most of the Khans behind him in Trials of Possession of
late. They were very good warriors, perhaps too good. The tradi-
tional clan ways of dealing with the Wolverines were not working.
Something more was needed, something to put the Wolverines in
check for years to come.
“Tell me Khan Karrige, if you were ilKhan, what would you do
against such a threat?”
Karrige found himself at a lack of words for a moment. He want-
ed to say, “crush the Wolverines,” but knew that the case for such
action was thin and weak at best. The Wolverines had come close
to a line but had not crossed it–yet. No. There had to be another
way, a middle ground. “ilKhan, if it were me, I would simply step
up monitoring of the Wolverines. While you do not like spies any
more than I do, I prefer to think of a a monitoring service that
would help us root out potential problems with our people. I would
simply put measures in place to monitor and watch our brethren
to ensure that they—that none of us—violate the tenets of our so-
Nicholas crossed his arms in thought. “This would not be a spy
organization, negative. This would be a security measure, cor-
“Affirmative. Such action need not be long term. It could be co-
vert for now, for internal security purposes. I know that some of
my people would volunteer for such duty and I am sure that the
other Khans—your loyal Khans—would do the same.”
The use of the words, ‘internal security,’ played into Karrige’s
understanding of the ilKhan. Nicholas had mentioned on several
BattleCorps Foundations of Fate • Page 1

occasions the need for some sort of monitoring system, a depart-
ment of internal security. Linking the surveillance of the Wolverines
to that seemed a natural way to get past his defensiveness over
the issue. “I will authorize such an action under my own direc-
tion,” he said making clear that none of the small cabal of Khans
were going to control this. “Simply as a temporary measure. Our
‘security measure’ will monitor all clans and report findings to me
directly. Do you understand my words?”
“Aff, ilKhan.”

“Very well then,” he turned to gaze back at the stars. “For some
time I have wondered if we would need some sort of internal mon-