"Andrew J. Offutt - Spaceways 06 - Purrfect Plunder" - читать интересную книгу автора (Offutt Andrew J) Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
"BY TAO'S TONSILS -THE PIRATE ASKED. WHAT'S THIS?" They stood over an unconscious creature sprawled on the floor. The captain replied, "That's a HRal; they're only recently discovered.' "So what's it doing lying here in the tunnel with its clothes ripped and no less than four itty-bitty breasts exposed?" Before the captain could reply the pirate leader turned to one of his men. "Get it- I mean, her," he ordered. "She'll come with us. This dull merchanter doesn't appreciate exotic stash -but we'll make sure to provide a nice exciting life for this kitty-cat woman!" SPACEWAYS #1 OF ALIEN BONDAGE #2 CORUNDUM'S WOMAN #3 ESCAPE FROM MACHO #4 SATANA ENSLAVED #5 MASTER OF MISFIT #6 PURRFECT PLUNDER #7 THE MANHUNTRESS #8 UNDER TWIN SUNS PLAYBOY PAPERBACKS SPACEWAYS #6: PURRFECT PLUNDER Copyright (c) 1982 by John Cleve Cover illustration copyright (c) 1982 by PBJ Books, Inc., formerly PEI Books, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by an electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording means or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher. Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada by PBJ Books, Inc., formerly PEI Books, Inc., 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 82-80838. The poem Scarlet Hills Copyright (c) 1982 by Ann Morris; used by permission of the author. ISBN: 1982. Vast is a size, and size is a distance. Along the spaceways, time is a measure of distance and events and lifetimes, and the spaceways are vast. The crew of the spaceship Satana-Captain Hell-fire, First Mate Quindy, Janja, Cinnabar, and Trafalgar-must have spent some two months-standard in the marvelous self-sufficient city of Survival. As in the novel immediately preceding this in the Spaceways saga, most of the events of this book take place before, and during that time. Janja and company return in Spaceways #8, month after next! A: All planets are not shown. B: Map is not to scale, because of the vast distances between stars. SCARLET HILLS Alas, fair ones, my time has come. I must depart your lovely home- Seek the bounds of this galaxy To find what lies beyond. (chorus) Scarlet hills and amber skies, Gentlebeings with loving eyes; All these I leave to search for a dream That will cure the wand'rer in me. You say it must be glamorous For those who travel out through space. You know not the dark, endless night Nor the solitude we face. (reprise chorus) I know not of my journey's end Nor the time nor toll it will have me spend. But 1 must see what I've never seen And know what I've never known. Scarlet hills and amber skies, Gentlebeings with loving eyes; All these I leave to search for a dream That will cure the wand'rer in me. -Ann Morris 1 Anybody can be a hero. All it takes is a fast-acting simpleton without enough sense to be scared. -Trafalgar Cuw The fleet thundered up through the thin atmosphere of the unpeopled rallying planet and into space. Giant carrier ships lumbered out of their parking orbits to move into the fleet combat pattern. Inside, their hulls were pregnant with deadly little attack craft ready for the close fighting they had |