"Kate Novak - Finders Stone 2 - Wyvern's Spur" - читать интересную книгу автора (Novak Kate)

Wyvern's SpurWyvern's Spur
By Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb

Map of Immersea
Wyvernspur Family Tree
From the journal of Giogioni Wvvernspur:
The 19th of Ches, in the Year of the Shadows
Late last night I returned home from my duties as royal envoy, to find my kin
a greater uproar than the southern city I had left behind. Ten months of
Westgate's problems shrivel to insignificance when compared to the tragedy
has befallen the clan of the Wyvernspurs of Immersea.
How could the flattening of an entire neighborhood by a dragon corpse,
by an earthquake and an underworld power-struggle, hope to compete with the
theft of a family heirloom no larger than a zucchini and uglier than
three-week-old sausage?
"A hunk of junk" is what Uncle Drone has always called the wyvern's spur (said
heirloom), and, considering all the trouble it has been, lam inclined to agree
with him. No doubt the family would have donated it to a church rummage
generations ago if not for the detestable prophesy that came with it.
According to family legend, the wyvern who presented it to old Paton
way back when, promised that the family line would never die out as long as we
held on to the gruesome chunk of mummified beastie. Logically it doesn't
that losing the dratted thing guarantees our demise, but we've always been a
superstitious lot, we Wyvernspurs, so there is a family conclave tonight in
Dorath's lair at Redstone Castle. Although I have not yet unpacked from my
journeys on behalf of the crown, I am expected to attend.
Someone will need to comfort Aunt Dorath. An oldest nephew's lot is never
Giogi laid his quill pen on the writing table and left the journal open for
ink to dry. He didn't feel it necessary to add that his great-aunt would find
his presence comforting only insofar as it would give her something else to
criticize. He planned to leave his journal to posterity someday, and there
some things posterity just didn't need to know.
As far as Aunt Dorath was concerned, Giogi had dishonored the Wyvernspur
last year with his disgraceful—but, as Giogi would put it, dead-on—imitation
King Azoun IV, which had resulted in Giogi's near assassination by the cursed
sell-sword Alias of Westgate and the disruption of an entire wedding