"Elizabeth Moon - Gird 01 - Surrender None" - читать интересную книгу автора (Moon Elizabeth)

“A Baen Books original”—T.p. verso. ISBN 0-671-87747-X (trade
pbk.) 1. Fantastic fiction, American. I. Title PS3563.0557L4 1996
813'.54—dc20 96-2957
Printed in the United States of America

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Elizabeth Moon - Surrender None

In memory of Travis Bohannon
a country boy from Florence, Texas
who gave his life to save his family from fire.
Not all heroes are in books.



Too many people helped with technical advice and special knowledge
to mention all, and leaving any of them out is unfair. But special
thanks to Ellen McLean, of McLean Beefmasters, whose stock has
taught me more than a college class in Dairying ever did, to Joel
Graves for showing me how to scythe without cutting my ankles off,
and to Mark Unger for instruction and demonstration of mixed-
weapon fighting possibilities. Errors are mine; they did their best to
straighten me out.

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Elizabeth Moon - Surrender None

The Rule of Aare is rule one:
Surrender none.