"Wolf Warrior - 01 - The Lost Wolf Warrior" - читать интересную книгу автора (Monet Rae)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Atlantic Bridge/Liquid Silver Books www.liquidsilverbooks.com Copyright ©2004 Rae Monet First Published by Liquid Silver Books, Imprint ofAtlanticBridge , June, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Published by Liquid Silver Books, Imprint ofAtlanticBridge Publishing,10509 Sedgegrass Dr,Indianapolis ,Indiana . Copyright 2004, Rae Monet. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors. This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Prologue December 12,England 1281 AD, TheForest of the Dean Arrruuuuuuu. The deep, haunting howl of the wolf's mate sent a shiver creeping down Peter Corbet's spine. His head snapped up and his nostrils flared with the smell of death. Peter cursed the fact that wolves mated for life, for he knew he would never forget that pained howl, or the fear it raised inside him. Peter's bloodstained dagger lay dripping at his side as he surveyed the village for his next prey. The muscles of his arm burned with the ache of use. His fisted hand released the wolf he had just killed, carelessly tossing the body to the ground. It landed in a bloody mass of fur on top of the small, dark-haired boy, who'd joined his protector's fate. Peter looked down at the pair and shook his head. “The killer of wolves,” that's what King Edward's people called him. Peter watched the panicked scramble of the villagers around him. Now, he was more than a killer of wolves, Peter thought. What he had done today was a much greater atrocity. * * * * Devastated, Leena swayed gently back and forth, shivering, her knees resting hard against the damp earth. She was beyond caring that the mud stained the edge of her skirt, that it scraped the bottom of her knees. Her skin touched the same dirt that absorbed the blood of her people. The ground remained unyielding to the Wolf Warriors who fell, landing heavily on its soil, gasping their last breath. Those warriors would never rise again, Leena feared, and their deaths had not been peaceful. Bile backed up in her throat, and she held cold hands over her ears—the noise of the surrounding battle was deafening. She was so frightened she could barely catch her breath. Someone attempted to bring her to her feet. Insistent hands pulled, a voice desperately called to her, yet the unrelenting voice and hands were muted to her. Dimly Leena realized that shock was absorbing all rational thought. She felt defeated. After desperately searching for her son, she had been unsuccessful in finding him, and the loss had taken its toll upon her weary body. "We must depart, Leena. The time is now. The English soldiers are too many against our few. Gather the boy!” Jarod's strained voice finally penetrated Leena's grief-stricken mind. "I cannot." Leena lifted her eyes as the tall, dark-haired warrior fell to his knees before her. Fierce for sure, bare-chested, beautifully crafted, his finely toned muscles flexed in harmony with his movements, his chest heaving from his recent exertion. Red painted lines ran in unison, adorning his face and arms. His striking blue eyes stood out in contrast to the crimson. Cuts covered his strong body, the darker red of his blood mixing in symmetry with that of his war paint. He was her husband, one of their finest Solarian Wolf Warriors, and he was battle weary, for the Solarians had been defeated. |