"Modesitt,.L.E.-.Ecologic.Envoy.V3" - читать интересную книгу автора (Modesitt L E)PROLOGUE
Secession, Ecologic (3647-48) The war leading to the independence of the Coordinate of Accord [See also Ecologic Rebellion, Accord, Ecolitian Institute] . During the years 3645-46, Imperial relations with the Fuardian Conglomerate became increasingly strained, and a number of colony systems protested the ad valorem and ad personam taxes levied by the Empire to support the infrastructure necessary to restrain the Conglomerate. Among the discontented colony systems were chose of Accord (Imperial Sector Five) and Sligo (Imperial Sector Seven). Accord used high-technology sabotage and commando tactics to destroy key military fueling and staging bases (Haversol, Cubera, Fonderol) at a time when the majority of Imperial forces were deployed in Sector Two to counter the perceived Fuardian threat. The Accord sabotage limited to an even greater extent the ability of Imperial warcraft to reach Accord's isolated location on the Parthanian Rift. Unable to deal with potentially extended conflicts on three fronts, the Empire reduced Sligo, where casualties exceeded fifteen million, despite an initially published estimate of only three million [See Lies for the Popular Good]. Following the Empire's destruction of Sligo and all installations in Its system, the provisional government of Accord launched a successful ecologic attack on Old Earth in 3647, primarily using the resources of the Ecolitan Institute [See The Black Institute]. The resulting Ecollapse eventually fragmented the terran ecology. The Empire retaliated by sending a full fleet to the Accord system. Innovative and suicidal tactics developed and spearheaded by Ecolitan [later Prime] James Joyson Whaler [See WrightWhaler Controversy] resulted in the total destruction of that Imperial fleet in late 3647. The Fuardian Conglomerate then unveiled a new series of warships of performance and armament vastly superior to existing Imperial craft [See CX Affair] and seized former Imperial systems in Sector Two (the Three System Bulge). With the Empire weakened by the increasingly unstable political climate and mounting death toll from the Ecollapse on Old Earth, the potential of further ecological devastation from the Ecolitan Institute, and the clear technological superiority of the Conglomerate, Emperor Jynstin II recognized the independence of Accord and shifted all Imperial forces and battle groups to Sector Two, leading to the Truce of Tierna. Under the Truce, the Conglomerate retained the Three System Bulge, except that the then-undeveloped system of Artos was ceded to New Avalon, and the Empire ceded the undeveloped system of D'Sanya to Chezchos, later the Federated Hegemony. The perceived failure of the monarchy led to the Senatorial Reformation [See N'Trosia Catalyst] and the political restructuring of the Empire . . . Dictionary of Imperial History K. J, Peynon New Augusta 4102 Filled with the faint odors of oil, hot metal, and recycled air, the down-shuttle from Accord orbit control to Harmony was less than half full. In the left front couch sat a tall sandy haired man wearing the formal greens of an Ecolitan. On his left uniform collar was a black-and-green lustral pin-a gift from the Emperor of the Hegemony of Light, more commonly known as the Terran Empire. The pin was a contradiction in terms because the substance of the lustral represented a small fortune and the form was a miniature of the crest of the Ecolitan Institute. Beside the Ecolitan sat a dark-haired woman in a blue jumpsuit. Sylvia glanced sideways at Nathaniel as the Ecolitan fidgetedin the hard passenger seat of the Coordinate shuttle."Iffy approach," he said. "Yours." The smile broadened. "Which kind are you referring to?" he countered, trying not to grin in return. "Any kind, most honorable envoy." "I'd hope mine, especially in shuttles and needle-boats, were less rocky," he finally said, squelching a frown as the buffering shuttle tossed him against his harness. "Do all pilots find other pilots' approaches questionable?" "Probably. We hate being passengers." "It sounds like you're all control addicts." She offered a softer smile. "That's probably true, too." "I still wonder." She shook her head. "This is so sudden. I hadn't planned to emigrate so soon. And certainly not to Accord. Your clearance officers on the orbit control station-they barely looked at me. Do all Ecolitans have that kind of power?" "Hardly." Nathaniel laughed. "It wasn't me, but the Prime Ecolitans access codes." "Just codes? Could any Ecolitan do that?" "Not unless the Prime gave him the codes." The sandy-haired man swayed in the seat as the shuttle banked onto what Nathaniel hoped was the final approach. "They're held tightly." "Does that happen often?" Nathaniel shrugged. "Every few years, maybe. This was important to us." Still, he had trouble believing his mission as an agent/official envoy was over, and that he had actually managed to avert what could have been an interstellar war between the Coordinate of Accord and the Empire. Although he'd sweated and worried, especially when it had looked as though the Imperial fleet had been ready to deploy, now it seemed almost too easy. . . and as if he'd missed something. He refrained from shaking his head. At least he'd gotten Sylvia off Old Earth. But did she want off? "You'd already gotten the trade agreement before you left Old Earth," Sylvia continued. "You didn't need me. Why was I important to your mission? Or afterwards?" "Because I think so." He grinned. "Because you made it all possible, and because-" "Please remain in your seats. Shuttle Beta is on final approach to Harmony. Please remain in your seats." "-you'd be an asset to the Institute." |