"Divine Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Baldacci David)CHAPTER 4AS SOON AS ANNABELLE stepped on the front porch she saw it. Alex Ford did too. They'd just gotten back from dinner at Nathan's in Georgetown. It had become a favorite haunt of theirs. She pulled the knife free, unfolded the letter and then glanced around, as though she expected the person who'd delivered it to still be nearby. She and Alex sat in front of the empty fireplace while she read it. She finished and passed it across to him, waiting in silence while he read it through. "He says for you to pack up and move. That people would be coming to ask questions. You can stay at my place, if you want." "I guess we knew it was him, didn't we?" she added. Alex looked at the letter. "'I've had many regrets in my life,'" he said, reading from it. "'And I've lived with them all. But Milton 's death was my fault alone. I did what I had to do. To punish those who needed to be. But I will never be able to punish myself enough. At least John Carr is finally dead. And good riddance.'" He looked up. "Sounds like a man who did what he believed needed to be done." "He asked us to tell Reuben and Caleb." "I'll do it." "They deserved it, you know. From all that Finn told us that happened that night." "Nothing gives someone the right to murder someone, Annabelle," he said firmly. "That's vigilantism. That's wrong." "Under any circumstances?" "One exception destroys that rule for good." "So you say." "Burn the letter, Annabelle," Alex said suddenly. "What?" "Burn it now, before I change my mind." "Why?" "It's not a confession but it's still evidence. And I can't believe I'm saying this. Burn it. Now!" She grabbed a match, lit the paper and tossed it into the fireplace. They watched the letter curl and blacken. "Oliver saved my life, more than once," he said. "He was the most decent, reliable person I've ever met." "I wish he'd stayed to talk to us." "I'm glad he didn't." "Why?" Annabelle said brusquely. "Because I might have had to arrest him." "You're kidding. You just said he was the most decent person you'd ever met." "I'm a lawman, Annabelle. I swore an oath, friend or not." "But you knew he killed people before. And you didn't seem to have a problem with it then." "Right, but he did that on orders from the U.S. government." "So that makes it okay in your eyes? Because some politician said it was?" "Oliver was a soldier. He was trained to follow orders." "But even he felt guilt for that. Because some of the people he was 'ordered' to kill were innocent. You saw how that crushed him." "I respect his morals. But that wasn't his call." Annabelle rose and looked down at him. "So he kills two people who "It's not that simple, Annabelle." She flicked her long hair out of her face. "Sure it is," she snapped. "Look-" She walked over to the door and opened it. "Let's call it a night before we say something we'll regret. Or at least I do. Besides, I have to pack." "Where are you going to go?" "I'll let you know," she said in a tone that left much doubt whether she meant it. Alex started to say something but instead rose and walked out, his features clouded and his lips set in an uncompromising line. Annabelle slammed the door behind him. She sat down cross-legged in front of the fireplace and studied the blackened bits of Stone's final message to them. Tears trickled down her cheeks as in her mind she went through the letter's contents again. She glanced toward the door. Alex and she had become very close over the last several months. When they had heard of Gray's and Simpson's murders they both had instantly suspected the truth. Yet they hadn't said anything about their feelings, afraid perhaps that if they did acknowledge that they believed Stone had killed the two men it would make that suspicion an intractable truth. Now their two very different interpretations of the man's perceived actions had just driven a wall right between them. Annabelle packed her few belongings, locked up the cottage for what she was sure would be the last time, climbed in her car and drove to a nearby hotel. She got undressed and climbed into bed. She would be moving on now. There was nothing to keep her here any longer. With Oliver gone, her father dead and Alex revealed to be something other than what she thought, she was alone once more. It seemed to be her natural state. Annabelle was very sure of one thing. He would need all the luck he could get. Maybe they all would. |