Welcome to the
Patricia McKillip
This page is not officially affiliated with Patricia McKillip in any way.
I am not Patricia McKillip, nor can I pass your question on to Patricia McKillip.
Also note that all covers remain the copyright of the artist (or whoever has them).
Photo by Kate Kincheloe, taken from the (former) Putnam Berkeley webpage on McKillip.
as of 7/27/99 when it reset for some reason...
Feel free to send me comments on this page.К
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McKillip's next book will be called In the Forests of Serre and will be available in June, 2003.
The Changeling Sea is going to be reprinted, and will be out in April, 2003.К It's being done in a Young Adult line from Penguin/Firebird.К Buy it!
Like the recent covers?К They are by Kinuko Craft.К I've written a small page about her, with links to her official site and several books she's illustrated.КК
I've updated the Recommended Reading List - the egroup came up with some of our favorite authors and books.К If you like McKillip, you might find some good stuff here.
Note that I am not a writer, I am a computer geek who loves to read and loves most to read Patricia McKillip. These pages exist because when I went looking for information on my favorite writer, I couldn't find any - so I wrote some.К If you have any constructive criticism of these pages and especially of my text, I'd love to hear it. If you know of any stories I don't have, or feel like scanning a few book covers I don't have and e-mailing them to me, that'd be wonderful.К Just e-mail me at
[email protected].
I've added links to amazon.com for the books of hers that I can find there to make it easy for those looking to purchase them.К
Report from the 25th World Fantasy Convention, with pictures of McKillip and other authors.К The WFC book had a pretty good biographical article on McKillip by her friend David Lunde.
McKillip has done two interviews with Locus.К "Moving Forward" was done in 1992, and "Springing Surprises" was published in 1996.К Current and back editions of Locus are still available at Locus Online.К Locus also often includes information about upcoming McKillip releases.К Thanks to Rebekah Jensen for sending them to me!