"Mithgar - Hel's Crucible - 02 - Into The Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (McKiernan Dennis L)

To gain revenge and slay Foul Folk, Tip and Beau pledged themselves to Coron Ruar, leader of the Dylvana: they would go with Ruar's army to help lift the siege of Mineholt North, a Dwarvenholt in the Rimmen Mountains in Riamon.

With Tip roving as a scout, and Beau riding as a healer, they traveled with a thousand Dylvana Elves up through Darda Erynian, where they rendezvoused with a force of Baeron.

At Rimmen Gape the Allies defeated a segment of Spawn and then continued on their mission to lift the Foul Folk's siege of the Dwarvenholt.

As they neared Mineholt North, they were challenged by a force of men from the town of Dael. Among this band was Bekki, a Dwarf of Mineholt North. Led by Prince Loden, this company was also bent on lifting the siege of the mineholt.

Coron Ruar called a strategy meeting, and many plans were proposed, but all were met with objections. Finally, based on a skirmish with a squad of Rupt, Tipperton devised a plan they all accepted!

Bekki chose Tip as the emissary to go with him, and they entered the mineholt through the secret entrance and proceeded through corridors and passages and crossed above deeps to reach distant Dwarven chambers, where they found DelfLord Borl, Bekki's father, in his throne room.

Tip explained his plan.

Two days later the Dylvana, Baeron, and Daelsmen rode to the vale of the mineholt and arrayed themselves before the Horde. The Horde jeered, for they outnumbered the Allies five to one.

That night Tip and a battalion of Dwarves, camouflaged in grey to match the stone, slipped through the side postern and took places against the flank of the mountain at the rear of the Horde.

As dawn stood barely below the lip of the world, the Allies in front drew the Horde forward to face them, and from the rear the camouflaged Dwarves slipped down and hurled clay vessels of a flammable liquid to crash into and upon the Horde's supply wagons, with vessels of smoldering firecoke following, and the wagons were set afire. Elements of the Horde, including all six monstrous Trolls, turned against the Dwarves. Dwarves cast flammable liquid upon three of the Trolls, but managed to set only one afire. The Allies to the fore attacked to divert the Horde from the Dwarves.

With fighting to the front and rear, confusion reigned among the Horde.

From a burning wagon, Tip lit one of his signal arrows and launched it into two of the liquid-drenched Trolls, setting them aflame, though Tip himself was nearly slain by a Ghul in the process. The remaining Trolls fled, afraid of the "magic fire." When the Trolls ran away, the Rucks panicked and ran as well, and the siege was broken.

Many of the Allies were slain in this battle—Daelsmen, Baeron, Dwarves, Dylvana—and many were wounded as well, including Phais, terribly pierced by a poisoned arrow.

After the funerals, the Allies set off in pursuit of the remnants of the Horde, but Tip, Loric, and Beau remained behind in Mineholt North with wounded Phais.

Bekki, too, remained behind, for he had pledged himself to go with Tip to deliver the coin.

Using a gift given him in Arden Vale, the mint gwyn-thyme, an antidote to poison, Beau struggled desperately to save Phais's life and barely managed to do so.

After two and a half months, Phais was fit enough to ride. And so, on the fifteenth of December, Tip, Beau, Phais, and Loric set out once more to deliver the coin, Bekki now among them. . . .

. . . And as Into the Fire begins, we join the five as they ride away from Mineholt North.

Freedom is not free....


Into the Fire
