"Mithgar - Hel's Crucible - 02 - Into The Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (McKiernan Dennis L)"Perhaps," growled Bekki, "he secretly told each one that he would give over the stone to him and him alone— Skail, Sleeth, and any other Drake he would bribe—separately promising each one the same."
Loric nodded. "A Black Mage would do such." Tip shook his head. "But wouldn't the Dragons take retribution against Modru for doing such an underhanded thing?" Now it was Phais who shook her head. "Not with Gy-phon as Modru's protector." Beau yawned and stretched. "Well, I must say it's all quite beyond me. It's enough that we'll be done with it when we've delivered the coin." "Oh, Beau, we won't be done with it until the entire war itself is done," said Tip, sipping the last of his tea and sliding his cup into a saddlebag. "It's all connected, you know." Beau's eyes widened, and he nodded, pondering, then said, "You're right, Tip, but listen: nothing will ever be over, even after this war is done, for indeed all is connected, all is linked, past, present, and future, at hand and near and far, from all that has ever gone before to all that is yet to come." As Tip took up his bow to stand the first turn at watch he said, "Well, Beau, you may be right about that, but if we can just get to the end of this war and win, for me that will be enough." Beau did not reply as Tip stepped away from the fire and into the cold dark beyond. Chapter 2 South-southeasterly they fared, passing by the frozen corpses of those who had fled from the city of Dael, had fled from the raging Dragonfire, had fled from the whelm-ings of Sleeth, had fled into the countryside only to be blizzard-slain. Men, women, children, babies, horses, dogs: Modru's storm had spared none. And they lay scattered along the road as testament to his cruel power. "Oh Adon," said Beau, his tilted amber eyes wide with distress, "why didn't some survive?" "They had no chance to prepare when they ran from Sleeth's ravagement," growled Bekki. "But they should have made fires, found shelter, anything but this." "Oh, Beau," said Tip, "don't you remember the shrieking wind? The blinding snow? I mean, if it hadn't been for Bekki, we would have been hard-pressed to survive ourselves, and we're well prepared for the cold." "Aye," said Phais, smiling at Bekki, "'twas Fortune Herself who favored us with the company of this Drimm." Bekki shot the Dara a quick glance, then looked at the road ahead, the Dwarf somehow disconcerted by her regard. Beau sighed, then said, "Ah, me, and wellaway, but it is so tragic for so many to come to this grievous end." "It's just one more thing that Gyphon and all his get will have to answer for," said Tip. Loric looked at Tipperton. "Art thou still consumed by the need for revenge, wee one?" Tip shook his head. "No, Loric. I but speak the truth." Loric nodded and said no more as on down the Sea Road they fared, riding now in silence. |