"Mithgar - 01 - Eye Of The Hunter" - читать интересную книгу автора (McKiernan Dennis L)

Mithgar - 01 Eye Of The Hunter



Heedless of the enemy, Riatha climbed. Suddenly she called back to her companions, "Quickly! Aid me!"

Leading Aravan, damman Faeril and buccan Gwylly scrambled up through the slithering mass of ice, coming at last into the luminance. The bulk of the glacier loomed high above and the light from within suffused through the myriad splits and cracks, shining as would the Sun through a fractured glass window. And even as they stood up to their knees in the sliding shatter, stood in that fragmented golden glow—Elfess and buccan and damman, Riatha with the Last-born Firstborns at her side—overhead the Eye of the Hunter streamed crimson through the sky.

But neither gold nor crimson caught their sight. Instead, it was what they saw in the center of the scattered light: for out from the shattered wall jutted a hand, a large Man's hand . . .

. . . and the fingers moved!


The Eye of the Hunter

Dennis L. McKiernan



Copyright notice



1 Out of the Storm 23 Vanishment
2 Mygga and Fй 24 Trek
3 Faeril 25 Lуgoi tфn Nekron
4 Gwylly 26 Pilgrimage
5 Glacier 27 Pendwyr
6 Grimwall 28 Avagon
7 Legacy 29 Karoo
8 Journey to Arden 30 Kandra
9 Riatha 31 Dodona
10 Deliverance 32 Prey