"Dennis L. McKiernan - Hell's Crucible 2 - Into the Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (McKiernan Dennis L)

"It is a Chakka wayfarers' shelter. I have been here before."
Beau looked at the cords of wood stacked against the back of the
chamber. "Yes, but with all the snow, I mean, how could you see?"
"I could not, but as I said, I have been here before."
Beau threw up his hands in a gesture of puzzlement.
Bekki glanced at Tip, then said, "Chakka cannot lose their footsteps.
Once we have been to a place, the way is always within us. It is a gift
from Elwydd."
Beau looked out into the shrieking snow. "Oh my, quite a marvelous
gift, I should say." He turned to Tip. "I wonder if we have a gift . . .
Warrows, that is."
Tip sighed and tapped his chest at the point of the coin.
"Perseverance, I shouldn't wonder."
Phais shook her head and looked at the Warrows, then said, "Nay,
Tipperton, 'tis heart."
They spent that night and all the next day in the cavernous shelter, the
wind screaming past It was during Bekki's watch on the second night
that the storm began to abate, and by the next morning there was nought
of it left but a| few gentle flakes drifting down. The five scoured for
dead-wood among the broad stand of trees ranging before the hollow to
replace the wood they had used. And then they set out once again to the
east, the ponies and horses at times broaching deep drifts, at other times
faring across ground scoured clean by the blow.
Slowly the skies cleared, and by midafternoon the comrades rode
beneath a glacial sky, the sun remote and chill the air numbingly cold,
their breath streaming white, the vapor freezing on crusted scarves
wrapped 'round faces and Bekki's beard was clotted with the ice of his
Through the slits of his eyewear, Beau looked at Tip, the other
buccan with his cloak wrapped 'round. "Lor', Tip but I don't think I'll
ever be warm again. I mean, this is even worse than when we were in
"Let's walk awhile, Beau," said Tip, swinging a leg over the saddle
forecantle and hopping down. "It'll warm us."
"I'm all for that," replied Beau, dismounting as well. "I mean, I'd walk
all the way to Dendor if it'd keep me warm."
"There'll be a warm inn in Dael," said Tip, "with good hot food and
something steaming to drink."
"Oh my, hot wine mulled with spices," groaned Beau. "I can taste it
Walking behind and leading two animals, Phais said, "A warm bath
would serve better."
"Oh yes," agreed Beau. "A hot bath with hot wine to sip even as we
Tip's mind flashed back to their first bath in Arden Vale, its warmth
driving away the chill in their bones. And then he blushed, remembering
dark-haired, blue-eyed Lady Elissan walking in on him as he stood
naked in the bath washing his hair, his eyes closed against the soap
running down, and he recalled her words at their last parting: When next