"The Clouds Of Saturn" - читать интересную книгу автора (McCollum Michael)

crew in Port Gregson. He would have preferred a sanctuary farther from the
Alliance, but the long dive into the thick, hot atmosphere near the bottom of
the flyway had causedSparrowHawk ’s reactor to overheat. By the time they
regained the heights, Port Gregson had been one of the few independent cities
within range of their stricken craft.
Port Gregson was a trading city that made its living by tacking back and forth
across the six thousand kilometer wide North Temperate Belt and trading with the
other cities as they sailed past. Because of their need to stay on good terms
with everyone, they were neutral in the various rivalries of North Saturnian
politics. They had a tradition of offering sanctuary to the vanquished so long
as the refugees could pay their way. Sands used the last of his crew’s funds for
the city’s mandatory docking and port fees.
In the past two weeks, he had contracted with the port authorities to repair and
reprovisionSparrowHawk . The work was nearly done and payment due.
Unfortunately, Sands was broke. If he were lucky, the Port Gregson authorities
would only throw him into jail when they realized the truth. Otherwise, they
might decide to drop him over the side. On Saturn, the disposal of inconvenient
corpses was a matter of the utmost simplicity.
“You’re Larson Sands, aren’t you?”
Sands looked up bleary eyed at the speaker. His first impression was of an egg.
When he focused his eyes, he saw that his interrogator was bald to the point
where he lacked even eyebrows. Even though tall, the stranger was obviously not
from Port Gregson. His clothes were conservative, but expensive, as was the gold
bracelet he wore on one wrist. A diamond stickpin held his cravat in place. The
stone dated from the time before Earth’s evacuation. It was priceless for that
“Yes,” Sands answered warily.
“I am interested in hiring your ship. May I buy each of you a drink while we
discuss it?”
“Sure,” Crandall replied for Sands. The mention of possible business sobered the
old warrior faster than a cold needle shower.
The bald stranger sat down and made a show of taking off his leather gloves.
These alone would have cost Lars his previous year’s earnings.
“Might we know your name?”
“Certainly. I am Micah Bolin.”
“Of what city?”
“That is not important at the moment. Let us just say that I am a citizen of
“Very well. You wish to hire our ship?”
“I do if you own that Air Shark Mark III down in the landing bay.”
“We do.”
“She’s beautiful,” Bolin said. “What power plant?”
“Twin Saturn Industries hundred megawatt drive reactors.”
“Enough for ten times around the planet,” Sands lied. When she had been
new,SparrowHawk could have done it easily. In her present condition, once around
would be risky. Still, at 375,000 kilometers in circumference, Saturn was a big