"Julian May - Trillium 3 - Sky Trillium" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

tarnished likeness of the same many-rayed silvery Star he wore around his neck.

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Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

The portal had neither latch nor keyhole. It was only a few paces away.

Like a dying thing, he crawled with agonized slowness, then lifted his medallion
on its chain and touched it to the door.

No! cried the sentinels. Their right arms rose in unison to point annihilation
toward him.

The door flew open. There within was the dead woman, seeming to turn her head
and smile at him, silently offering sanctuary.

Somehow he was drawn swiftly inside and the door clanged shut behind him. He
was enveloped in night—a night spangled with unblinking stars. The room was
so cold that the breath was torn from his heaving lungs in a frosty cloud and the
sweat coursing down his face turned to crackling ice. An involuntary moan
escaped his stiffening lips. He had forgotten that one visited the dead woman
only on her own terms.

Near paralyzed with pain and the intense cold, he pulled a cloak from his sack,
flung it about himself, and drew up the hood, muffling his face to the eyes. Then
he fumbled to pull on fur-lined gloves. Staggering to his feet, he stood with his
back pressed to the locked door, fighting to reclaim control of his mind and body.

Would the sindona be able to break in and capture him?

The dead woman smiled serenely and seemed to say, No. Not without the explicit
command of the Dark Man himself, and he is still bereft of his senses.

She sat in a thronelike chair, not really looking at him at all. One entire wall of

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Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

her chamber was a gigantic window, and her glazed eyes, wide open, seemed to
stare with rapt fascination at the scene outside. A shining blue-and-white sphere
hung in the midst of a million untwinkling stars. The Garden Moon and the
Death Moon were out of sight, tracing their course in the heavens somewhere
behind the abode of the Dark Man, so there was nothing to detract from the heart-
wrenching beauty of the vision. Uncounted leagues distant, the World of the
Three Moons hovered like a massive clouded aquamarine.

The imperiled world. The world that was his home, that he alone could save. The
world that had certainly been her home as well, twelve thousand years agone.