"Julian May - Trillium 3 - Sky Trillium" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

file:///H|/eMule/Incoming/Trillium%2003%20-%20Sky%20Trillium%20by%20Julian%20May%20(v1.0)%20(html).html (3 of 455)15-8-2005 22:25:06
Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

"No! Don't! I forbid it!" Sweat broke out on the prisoner's brow. He struggled
upright and managed to speak in more normal tones. "I am not hurt. I command
you to go about your normal duties. Do not summon assistance. Do you

Four inhuman eyes studied him. Denby's weird creations were the most
solicitous of servants, quite capable of forcing him to accept the medical
attention of a sindona consoler against his will if he actually needed it.

Dark Powers! he prayed silently. Don't let it call a sindona. Don't let all my
careful planning come to naught and my life be forfeit because of a witless

"It is true that you are unhurt," the light-tender said at last. "I will resume my
work. I regret any inconvenience I have caused." It blinked its eyes in salute and
began to pick up its scattered load.

The prisoner walked off in a semblance of nonchalance; but when the lamp-
tender was out of sight he began to run again, feeling fear swell within him.
What if the cursed machine called the sindona anyway? What if the sentinels
were already in pursuit?

He was racing flat out now, his formal dining robes flapping and his boot-shod
feet thudding on the resilient corridor floor. A lump of cramping dread knotted
his belly and every breath was now like a sword cut. Dwelling in this damned
place for two years had robbed him of his bodily strength and crippled his
resolution. But he would mend if he could elude the sindona and finally take
advantage of the dead woman's second gift…

file:///H|/eMule/Incoming/Trillium%2003%20-%20Sky%20Trillium%20by%20Julian%20May%20(v1.0)%20(html).html (4 of 455)15-8-2005 22:25:06
Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

He was in the disused part of the Dark Man's Moon now, a silent warren of
empty galleries and parlors, uninhabited bedroom suites, and abandoned
workshops and libraries. It was here that the rearguard of the Vanished Ones had
lived twelve times ten hundreds ago while they strove hopelessly to stem the
advance of the Conquering Ice.

Denby had willingly given him permission to explore the ghostly rooms,
apparently unmindful of what might be found there. Early in his incarceration,
the prisoner had come upon the chamber of the dead woman and received her
first precious gift. With its help, he had collected his small trove of magical
devices; but they were useless, of course, so long as he remained Denby's
captive. The Dark Man was invulnerable to ordinary magic.