"Richard Matheson - I Am Legend" - читать интересную книгу автора (Matheson Richard)

there, breathing heavily, body writhing slightly on the sheet. Let the
morning come. His mind spoke the words it spoke every night Dear God, let
the morning come.

He dreamed about Virginia and he cried out in his sleep and his fingers
gripped the sheets like frenzied talons.

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Chapter Two

THE ALARM WENT OFF at five-thirty and Robert Neville reached out a numbed
arm in the morning gloom and pushed in the stop.

He reached for his cigarettes and lit one, then sat up. After a few moments
he got up and walked into the dark living room and opened the peephole

Outside, on the lawn, the dark figures stood like silent soldiers on duty.
As he watched, some of them started moving away, and he heath them
muttering discontentedly among themselves. Another night was ended.

He went back to the bedroom, switched on the light, and dressed. As he was
pulling on his shirt, he heard Ben Cortman cry out, “Come out, Neville!”

And that was all. After that, they all went away weaker, he knew, than when
they had come. Unless they had attacked one of their own. They did that
often. There was no union among them. Their need was their only motivation.

After dressing, Neville sat down on his bed with a grunt and penciled his
list for the day:

Lathe at Sears


Check generator

Doweling (?)
