"Mad House" - читать интересную книгу автора (Matheson Richard)She shook her head.
“I don’t know, Chris,” she said quietly. “It’s up to you.” “Up to me,” he said. “It’s always up to me, isn’t it?” “Oh, please darl—Chris. I don’t want to argue anymore. I’m too tired to argue.” “It’s easier to just pack and run away.” She turned and looked at him. Her eyes were very dark and unhappy. “Run away?” she said. “After eighteen years you accuse me of that? Eighteen years of watching you destroy yourself. And me along with you. Oh, don’t look surprised. I’m sure you know you’ve driven me half insane too.” She turned away and he saw her shoulders twitch. She brushed some tears from her eyes. “It’s n-not just because you hit me,” she said. “You kept saying that last night when I said I was leaving. Do you think it would matter if…” She took a deep breath. “If it meant you were angry with me? If it was that I could be hit every day. But you didn’t hit me. I’m nothing to you. I’m not wanted.” “Oh, stop being so…” “No,” she broke in. “That’s why I’m going. Because I can’t bear to watch you hate me more every day for something that… that isn’t my fault.” “I suppose you…” “Oh, don’t say anymore,” she said, getting up. She hurried out of the room and he heard her walk into the living room. He stared at the dressing table. Don’t say anymore?—his mind asked as though she were still there. Well, there’s more to say; lots more. You don’t seem to realize what I’ve lost. You don’t seem to understand. I had hopes, oh God, what hopes I had. I was going to write prose to make the people sit up and gasp. I was going to tell them things they needed badly to know. I was going to tell them in so entertaining a way that they would never realize that the truth was getting to them. I was going to create immortal works. Now when I die, I shall only be dead. I am trapped in this depressing village, entombed in a college of science where men gape at dust and do not even know that there are stars above their heads. And what can I do, what can… ? The thoughts broke off. He looked miserably at her perfume bottles, at the powder box that tinkled “Always” when the cover was lifted off. I’ll remember you. Always. With a heart that’s true. Always. The words are childish and comical, he thought. But his throat contracted and he felt himself shudder. “Sally,” he said. So quietly that he could hardly hear it himself. After a while he got up and dressed. While he was putting on his trousers a rug slid from under him and he had to grab the dresser for support. He glared down, heart pounding in the total fury he had learned to summon in the space of seconds. “Damn you,” he muttered. |