"Picnic At Lac Du Sang" - читать интересную книгу автора (Masterton Graham)

Picnic At Lac Du Sang

by Graham Masterton

'The girls here are very young,' said Baubay, taking a last deep drag at
his cigarette and flicking it out of the Pontiac's window. 'But let me
tell you, they'll do anything.'

Vincent frowned across the street at the large Gothic-revival house. It
wasn't at all what he had expected a brothel to look like. It was heavily
overshadowed by three giant dark-green elms, but he could see turrets and
spires and decorated gables, and balconies where net curtains suggestively
billowed in the summer breeze. The outside walls were painted a burned
orange colour, and there was something strange and other-worldly about the
whole place, as if he had seen it in a painting, or dreamed it.
'I'm not so sure about this,' he told Baubay. 'I never visited a bordello
'Bordello!' Baubay piffed. 'This is simply a very amenable place where
guys like us can meet beautiful and willing young women, discuss the state
of the economy, have a bottle of champagne or two, play Trivial Pursuit,
and if we feel like it, get laid.'
'Sounds like a bordello to me,' said Vincent, trying to make a joke of it.

'You're not going to chicken out on me, are you? Don't say you're going to
chicken out. Come on, Vincent, I've driven over eighty miles for this, and
I'm not going back to Montreal without at least one game of hide the
'It's just that I feel like - I don't know. I feel like I'm being
'Bullshit! How can you be unfaithful to a woman who walked out on you? How
can you be unfaithful when she was screwing a crottй like Michael
'I don't know, but it just feels that way. Come on, Baubay, I never looked
at another woman for eleven years. Well, I looked, but I didn't do
anything about it.'
'So - after all those years of sainthood, you deserve to indulge yourself
a little. You won't regret it, believe me. You'll he coming back for more.
Hey - with your tongue dragging on the sidewalk.'
'I don't know. Is there a restaurant or something around here? Maybe I'll
have some lunch and wait for you.'
Baubay unfastened his seatbelt and took his keys out of the ignition.
'Absolutely emphatically no you are not. How do you expect me to enjoy
fornicating with some ripe young teenager while all the time I know that
you're sitting alone in some dreary diner eating Salisbury steak? What
kind of friend would that make me? You're not backing out of this,
Vincent. You're coming to meet Madame Leduc whether you like it or not.'