"Feedback" - читать интересную книгу автора (Maclean Katherine)Feedback
KATHERINE MacLEAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “WHY DID LEONARDO write backward?” The year was 1995. A pupil had asked the question. William Dunner switched on the lights suddenly, showing the class of ten- and twelve-year-olds blinking in the sudden glare. “He was in danger of his life,” he said seriously. “Here”—he tapped the pointer against the floor—“give that last slide again.” The pupil at the back of the room worked the slide lever, and Da Vinci’s Last Supper, which still showed dimly on the screen, vanished with a click and was replaced by an enlarged sketch of a flying machine. Under the sketch was time-dimmed writing, the words oddly curled and abbreviated. It was backward, as if the slide had been put in the wrong way. “He was writing ideas that no one had ever written before,” said William Dunner. The teacher was tall, angular, and somewhat awkward in his stance. He stared at the faded cryptic writing, selecting his words with the care of someone selecting footsteps along the edge of a precipice. “Da Vinci had seen things that should not have been there—the symmetry of sound waves—the perfect roundness of ripples spreading through each other, and, high up on a mountain he had found sea shells, as if the sea and the land had not always been where they were, but had changed places, and perhaps some day the sea would again close over the mountain top, and mountains rise from the depth of the sea. These thoughts were against the old beliefs, and he was afraid. Other men, later, saw new truths about nature. They were not so brilliant as he, but they risked their lives to teach and write them, and they gave us the new world of science we have today. Leonardo had great thoughts, but he wrote them down in silence and hid them in code, for if the people guessed what he thought, they might come and burn him, as they had burned some of his paintings. He was afraid.” He tapped the base of the pointer on the floor and the slide vanished with a click and was replaced by the Last Supper. Again the dim figure of Christ sat at the long table with his friends. A chubby little girl put up her hand. “Yes, Marilyn?” “Were they Fascists? I mean, the people that Leonardo was scared of?” It was an obvious identification. Fascists tortured people and suppressed ideas. The pupils who knew a little more history stirred and giggled to show that they knew better. “Stand up, please,” he said gently. She stood up. It did not matter what the question or answer was, as long as they stood up. Standing up while the class sat, being alone on stage in the drama club he had started for them: learning to stand and think alone. In the painting on the screen the figure of Christ sat at the long table. The paint was blotched and cracked and his face almost hidden. Mr. Dunner turned to it. “No, it need not be Fascism. The rulers of a corrupt government may have no beliefs or ideals left to defend. The Roman government would have pardoned Christ, the bringer of a new belief, but it was his own people who slew him, preferring to pardon a robber and murderer instead.” He pointed with the stick. “He is eating with his disciples. He has just said “One of you will betray me.” Observe the composition of—” There was a slight stirring and whispering of disapproval. The things he had said were puzzling and almost violent, and sounded different from things they had been taught were true. They did not want him to return to the usual kind of lecture. A question was passed among them in quick murmuring and agreement. A boy raised his hand. “Yes, Johnny?” “Why is it democratic?” He was almost defiant. “Burning people.” “Because it was an expression of the majority will. The majority of people have faith that the things they already believe are true, and so they will condemn anyone who teaches different things, believing them to be lies. All basic progress must start with the discovery of a truth not yet known and believed. Unless those who have new ideas and different thoughts be permitted to speak and are protected carefully by law, they will be attacked, for in all times men have confused difference with criminality.” The murmur began again, and the boy put up his hand. “Yes, Johnny?” “I like inventors. I like inventions. I like things to change.” He was speaking for the class. It was a question about people disliking changes. The teacher hesitated oddly. “Stand up please.” The boy stood up. He had a thin oval face with large brown eyes which he narrowed to hide his nervousness. The other children in the class turned in their seats to look at him. “You said you like things different,” the teacher reminded him. “That’s a good trait, but do you like to be different yourself? Do you like to stand up when the others are sitting down?” The boy licked his lips, glancing from the side of his eyes at the classmates seated around him, his nervousness suddenly increased. |